
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


PM: We are determined to stay the course in anti

Daily News
PM: We are determined to stay the course in anti-poaching war
Daily News
THE government has re-affirmed its commitment to get rid of the network of poachers and bring the culprits to justice, declaring that losing the battle against the illicit wildlife trade has never been an option. “Statistics tell that despite the good progress in the ...
Poaching could wipe out Tanzanian elephants in 7 yearsThe Standard Digital News
Our unique wildlife shall not dieIPPmedia
Clerics Pledge...

poaching war

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Stay away and stay safe, Dodoma visitors warned

>Two different sets of warnings were issued in Dodoma yesterday – by the Police Force and CCM.While Regional Police Commander David Misime asked visitors who have nothing important to do in Dodoma this week to stay away, CCM told off aspirants who have issued threats should they be axed during the nomination process that started here yesterday.


11 years ago


Mba determined to do well in France

Nigeria midfielder Sunday Mba is eager to get his career back on track after making his debut for struggling French Ligue 2 side CA Bastia.


11 years ago


Wambura's Fate to Be Determined On Monday

Wambura's Fate to Be Determined On Monday
THE fate of the disqualified candidate Michael Wambura in the forthcoming Simba SC general election, scheduled for June 29 this year, will be decide early next week by the Tanzania Football Federation (TFF). TFF Media Officer Boniface Wambura said on ...


11 years ago


If Determined, We Can Protect Our Elephants From Extinction

If Determined, We Can Protect Our Elephants From Extinction
IN 1989, Costas Christ who writes for National Geographic Traveller magazine did a stint as a wildlife researcher in Kenya. While there, he witnessed a decade of unprecedented slaughter of elephants by poachers, out to profit from rising ivory demand in ...
Former Tourism Minister's comments not fit for printeTurboNews
Tanzania slams British newspaper over elephant poaching claimsCoastweek
Saving the...


10 years ago

Daily News

Zanzibar determined to promote tourism

Zanzibar determined to promote tourism
Daily News
SECOND Vice- President, Amb. Seif Ali Iddi, has said government is determined to promote tourism by developing infrastructure to accelerate growth in the sector. Mr Iddi made the statement while addressing Members of the Zanzibar House of ...


11 years ago


UN determined to help Africa fight terrorism

The United Nations is determined to help Kenya and other countries in Africa fight “terrorism” following a series of deadly attacks, Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said on Saturday.


9 years ago


Azam FC determined to take lead in League

After holding the league champions, Young Africans, to a barren 1-1 draw in their previous assignment, Azam FC are determined to beat Ndanda FC in their today’s Mainland Premier League at Sijaona Nangwanda Stadium in Mtwara.


10 years ago


Determined Leadership Key to Successful Projects

Determined Leadership Key to Successful Projects
GOOD relationship and determination among the leaders in the Isles are the key reasons that have seen the successful implementation of many community development projects in Zanzibar. In 15-Day tour organised and officiated by CCM Chief Secretary ...


10 years ago

Daily News

State determined to see urban slums slump

State determined to see urban slums slump
Daily News
THE government is determined to halve urban slums by 2025, according to Zanzibar Second Vice-President, Ambassador Seif Ali Iddi. Presiding over a two-day regional roundtable by the Institute of African Leadership for Sustainable Development ...



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