
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


PMO officials ordered to meet hawkers

PMO officials ordered to meet hawkers
Daily News
PRIME Minister Mizengo Pinda ordered officials in his office to convene a meeting with petty traders in Dar es Salaam next week, saying the government was committed to address challenges facing petty traders in urban centres across the country.

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago

Daily News

Retired officials ordered out of public houses

Retired officials ordered out of public houses
Daily News
THE Zanzibar government will soon apply force to evict former senior officers from its houses should they continue being reluctant to leave. “We have asked former leaders who are still living in government buildings to leave. We have been patient for long, we ...


11 years ago


Investigator to meet Qatar officials

Caf president Issa Hayatou denies corruption as Qatar officials prepare to meet a Fifa investigator.


11 years ago


Somaliland:Top Justice and Welfare party (UCID)Officials Meet with Tanzanian ...

Somaliland:Top Justice and Welfare party (UCID)Officials Meet with Tanzanian ...
The Chairman of the Justice and Welfare party (UCID) Hon Feisal Ali Waraabe was among members of the Socialist International Africa Committee who are currently meeting in Tanzania, hosted by the SI member party in that country, Chama Cha Mapinduzi, ...


9 years ago


Hawkers' Paradise and Other Promises

Hawkers' Paradise and Other Promises
Were Tanzania's presidential candidates to be believed, hawkers would be free to display their wares wherever they choose, small traders would have unlimited access to loans and education would be free at least up to secondary level. Those are some of ...


9 years ago


$10-billion economic project to start: PMO

The construction of the $10 billion (about Sh22 trillion on the prevailing exchange rate) Bagamoyo Special Economic Zone (SEZ) will start soon with President Jakaya Kikwete gracing the ground breaking ceremony tomorrow.


5 years ago

The Citizen Daily

PMO budget: virus, polls dominate

PMO budget: virus, polls dominate  The Citizen Daily


11 years ago


Police in bloody clash with hawkers

The city centre here yesterday was once again rocked by violence as small traders commonly known as machinga, fiercely protested authorities’ decision to demolish their stalls along Makoroboi Street.


10 years ago


Poll fiasco: The buck stops with PMO, says Chadema

>The Prime Minister’s Office should take full responsibility for flaws that marred Sunday’s local government elections instead of blaming district councils, Chadema said yesterday.


10 years ago

Daily News

College plans to identify trade opportunities for hawkers

College plans to identify trade opportunities for hawkers
Daily News
THE College of Business Education (CBE) plans to undertake a research designed to identify urban and rural entrepreneurial opportunities for hawkers in the country. From the research findings, according to CBE Rector, Mr Emmanuel Mjema, the college will ...



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