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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Police summon Mbowe as CA ends debate with attack on Ukawa

 The Constituent Assembly yesterday ended the debate on the proposed new constitution with a dramatic attack on members of the Coalition of Defenders of People’s Constitution (Ukawa) who have threatened mass protests across the country over the manner in which the process has been conducted.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

New York Times

Police: 7 Killed in Gun Attack on Tanzania Police Post

Police: 7 Killed in Gun Attack on Tanzania Police Post
New York Times
DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania — Tanzania's police chief says gunmen attacked a police station in the city of Dar es Salaam, killing seven people and injuring four others. Ernest Mangu told reporters Monday that four of the victims were police officers.


10 years ago


Training on intervention techniques for Maritime Police and Crime Investigation Officers in Zanzibar ends today

September 17th, marked the end of a police training course provided by EUCAP Nestor held at Zanzibar’s Police Academy. This week long training course was an opportunity for Tanzanian Maritime Police and Crime Investigation Officers to learn from EUCAP Nestor’s trainers on a wide range of activities with a focus on maritime intervention security techniques, police practices and boarding intervention. The courses were designed to develop existing skills and progress students to the...


11 years ago


Police chief absence put off budget debate

>A House committee yesterday refused to touch the ministry of Internal Affairs 2014/2015 budget proposals because Gen Kale Kayihura, the Inspector General of Police, had not honoured its summons.


10 years ago

Daily News

Ukawa ask for five more days of IPTL escrow debate

Daily News
Ukawa ask for five more days of IPTL escrow debate
Daily News
LAWMAKERS from the so-called Coalition of Defenders of the People's Constitution, Ukawa, have asked the Speaker's Office to add five more days to the debate on the IPTL escrow account saga, which starts here next Monday. Ukawa Co-Chairman James ...


10 years ago


Ukawa fires warning on IPTL debate

Members of opposition coalition, Ukawa, have warned the office of the Speaker of the National Assembly against any attempt to sabotage the debate on the Tegeta escrow account scandal.


9 years ago


Ukawa demurs on presidential candidates' debate

Ukawa demurs on presidential candidates' debate
With only a day to go before a debate involving presidential candidates which has been organised by Twaweza, a non-governmental organization, the Chadema candidate representing the Coalition of Defenders of the People's Constitution (Ukawa) is yet to ...


10 years ago


CEO Roundtable to continue debate with UKAWA

CEO Roundtable to continue debate with UKAWA
The CEO Roundtable (CEOrt) of Tanzania is proceeding to arrange for the next public presidential debates, this time for opposition coalition UKAWA. Expressing disappointment over the no show of CCM Presidential aspirants at what would have been the ...


11 years ago


Police arrest 3 over attack on tourists

>Police in Kilimanjaro Region have arrested three people in connection with the attack and injury of 17 tourists in which they were robbed money and property worth over Sh20 million.


10 years ago


Seven killed in police station attack

Police have launched a manhunt after seven people were killed and an unspecified number of firearms stolen when armed gangsters attacked a major police station in Dar es Salaam on Sunday night.



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