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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Police, taxmen impound smuggled cigarettes

Police, taxmen impound smuggled cigarettes
Daily News
POLICE in collaboration with trade and tax officials have arrested three people in unlawful possession of smuggled cigarettes worth billions shillings in Mbagala area, Dar es Salaam. The trio was arrested by the police, TRA and Fair Competition Commission ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Authorities impound fake goods in 124 areas

Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority (TFDA) has seized 1.6 tonnes of counterfeit foods and beverages all valued at Sh26.2 million in a joint operation with Interpol (Tanzania).


11 years ago


FCC staff impound counterfeit goods in raid in Mwanza, Arusha regions

FCC staff impound counterfeit goods in raid in Mwanza, Arusha regions
An official with Fair Competition Commission (2nd-R) and a police officer (not pictured) undertake enforcement procedure at the Arusha Regional Police office. The Fair Competition Commission (FCC) has impounded counterfeits goods worth 30m/- in a raid ...


11 years ago


Budget: look beyond drinks, cigarettes

Tanzanians are waiting with bated breath today as Finance Minister Saada Mkuya tables her 2014/15 Budget, estimated at $12 billion (Sh19.8 trillion). Now each time the annual budget is read in Parliament, there cannot be any medals for guessing where the money will be sourced.


11 years ago


E-cigarettes could sweeten potential deal

When Lorillard Inc bought the blu eCigs brand two years ago, the electronic cigarette had a 10 per cent share of a tiny US market, generating about $50 million in sales. It was available in only 12,000 retail outlets and over the Internet.


10 years ago


Contraband cigarettes worth billions seized

>The Police Force, in collaboration with the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) and the Fair Competition Commission (FCC) have arrested three people in various parts of Mbagala  for stocking and selling contraband cigarettes worth billions of shillings in the past week.


9 years ago


A TEACHER'S DIARY : Apostle saved by cigarettes

When we parted ways on this page last week, Nyayo, Mwisho wa Lami’s finest jack of all trades, had been camping at Mwisho wa Lami bus stop waiting for the arrival of Apostle Elkana, The Revered Spiritual Superintendent of THOAG (The Holiest of All Ghosts) Tabernacle Assembly; to alight from a Nairobi Msamaria Mwema Bus.


9 years ago


Tanzania: A Teacher's Diary - Apostle Saved By Cigarettes

Tanzania: A Teacher's Diary - Apostle Saved By Cigarettes
When we parted ways on this page last week, Nyayo, Mwisho wa Lami's finest jack of all trades, had been camping at Mwisho wa Lami bus stop waiting for the arrival of Apostle Elkana, The Revered Spiritual Superintendent of THOAG (The Holiest of All ...


10 years ago


VIDEO: Smuggled across the desert

Many migrants trying to get to Europe cross the desert to Libya. For some the journey ends there.


10 years ago


IS militants 'smuggled to Europe'

Islamic State fighters are being smuggled into Europe by gangs in the Mediterranean, a Libyan official tells a BBC investigation.



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