
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Poor voter education in Dar raises concern

With at least two months before the General Election, civic education among residents of Dar es Salaam is still low and they want the National Electoral Commission (Nec) to do something about it.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Maize pest raises concern

A new pest is worrying maize farmers in Njombe Region, it has emerged during a week-long visit to the area by researchers.


11 years ago


Dishonesty in research raises concern

Research institutions in developing countries, including Tanzania, are losing credibility following the rise in professional dishonesty among researchers—prompting the need to create self-regulatory bodies to avert the vice, The Citizen has learnt.


11 years ago


Delay in preparing CA standing orders raises concern

The Constituent Assembly, now in its third week, is still struggling to polish its standing orders, raising questions as to whether the team will deliver.


11 years ago


Oysterbay Police land deal raises new concern

Some police officers who are being relocated from Oysterbay police barracks that have been leased for real estate development are protesting the move as a breach of agreement.


10 years ago


Concern over poor relations in businesses

Stakeholders of Top 100 Mid-Sized Companies have raised concern over the government’s lack of commitment to speed up the process of implementing Public Private Partnership (PPP) ventures for strengthening the private sector in the country.


10 years ago


Concern mounts as voter registration equipment delayed

>The Sh290 billion biometric voter registration undertaking, which was set to begin early this month, has been pushed back to the end of this year, it has emerged.


10 years ago


Call for broad voter education

Tanzania needs a bold informed electorate that can make sound decisions through the ballot box, Mr Deus Kibamba, Constitution Forum chairman, said in Dar es Salaam on Thursday.


10 years ago


Worries as plans for voter education stuck

>With only six months to the General Election, fear is mounting that the country could go into the polls without adequate voter education.


9 years ago

Daily News

Media role in voter education emphasised

Media role in voter education emphasised
Daily News
JOURNALISTS have been urged to educate the public on the importance of elections towards the building of democracy. “There are people in our communities who do not understand why we have elections or why they should vote. They need to be reached ...



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