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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Positive forecast for EA Court of Justice

>With the jurisdiction of the East African Court of Justice (EACJ) now extended to cover trade and investments, the future looks bright for the institution, according to the outgoing Registrar Dr. John Ruhangisa. “The future of the Court is bright,” he said during a media briefing on the achievements made since the judicial organ of the East African Community (EAC) came into being in 2001.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Mawazo’s father seeks justice in court

Mr Charles Lugiko, the stepfather of Chadema leader Alphonce Mawazo who was recently killed by unknown people, has filed a petition at the High Court seeking justice over what he described as violation of basic human rights by the police.


9 years ago


CUF demand day in court over 'rape of justice'

The opposition Civic United Front (CUF) wants its day in court this week to seek justice over what it described as ‘a rape of justice’ by CCM during the just ended General Elections.


11 years ago


Court “throws out” Uganda’s Chief Justice re-appointment

>Three Constitutional Court judges have unanimously ruled that the re-appointment of retired Chief Justice Benjamin Odoki was unconstitutional in a case in which the court was petitioned on whether President Yoweri Museveni was right to re-appoint him (Odoki).


10 years ago


JUSTICE: Year when Mwalimu Nyerere had his day in court

>There’re at least three ongoing criminal cases in Tanzania, involving prominent political opposition leaders. The latest is in Dar es Salaam against some Civic United Front members, including National Chairman Ibrahim Lipumba, charged with organizing and/or participating in an unlawful assembly January 27 this year


10 years ago


EA Court Of Justice Shuts Down Legislative Assembly Elections In Tanzania

EA Court Of Justice Shuts Down Legislative Assembly Elections In Tanzania
The East African Court of Justice (EACJ) has faulted the election of Tanzania's representatives to the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA), saying it violated Article 50(1) of the EAC Treaty. The judgment was delivered on September 26 by the First ...


10 years ago


Former Chief Justice Elected New African Human Rights Court Head

Chief Justice, Augustino Ramadhani The African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights (AfCHPR) has elected its new leadership body placing Tanzania’s Chief Justice Augustino Ramadhani as the new president of Africa’s continental court. The new governing bureau was approved at the beginning of its 34th Ordinary Session here on Monday where Lady Justice Elsie N. Thompson was honoured the new court’s Vice President. The current bureau replaces Hon. Lady Justice Sophia A. B. Akuffo and Hon....


10 years ago


Africa: Kenyans Jailed in TZ Seek Justice in Africa Rights Court

Citizen News
Africa: Kenyans Jailed in TZ Seek Justice in Africa Rights Court
Arusha, Tanzania — Lawyers representing 10 Kenyans who were charged over robbery with violence in Tanzania have filed a fresh application at the Arusha-based African Court on Human and People's Rights (ACHPR), accusing the local court of violating ...
Kenyans in Tanzanian Jails Since 2006 to Know Fate in AugustCitizen News

all 4


9 years ago


High Court and Media Council launch training for court staff and journalists

High Court and Media Council launch training for court staff and journalists
The High Court of Tanzania in collaboration with the Media Council of Tanzania (MCT) has organised a two-day training for journalists who cover court cases. The training will be officially opened by Chief Justice Mohamed Othman Chande, tomorrow in Dar ...


10 years ago


Convict fighting Tanzania Appeal court decision in African Court

Convict fighting Tanzania Appeal court decision in African Court
The Alex Thomas versus the Tanzania justice system case comes up before the African Court for Human and Peoples' Rights (AfCHPR) today in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. In the case, Thomas, a Tanzanian, is claiming infringement of his basic rights by justice ...
Tanzania: Robbery Convict Seeks Remedy At African

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