
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Poverty, health, education tops citizens’ worries list

Poverty, health and education are the foremost concerns for the majority of Tanzanians as 2015 nears—the year that they are expected to participate in a referendum on the proposed new constitution and the General Election.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Wyre Tops PRISK’s Royalties Earners List (Full List)


The Performers Rights Society of Kenya (PRISK), a collective management organization licensed to represent performers in musical an dramatic works, has released its’ list of top royalty earners for the year 2014.


A press release by PRISK states that the body witnessed a 303% growth in royalties distributed.

Royalties paid to the lowest and highest earning members also grew by 200% and 62% respectively.

“We are delighted to announce an unprecedented 303% growth in royalties distributed. We...


11 years ago


Poverty tops agenda at Commonwealth legislators summit

Themed Utilising Commonwealth to Combat Challenges to Socio-Economic Development in Africa, the conference will attempt to find out reasons behind the Africa’s failure to eliminate, if not eradicate, poverty, against the backdrop of an outstanding economic growth registered in the continent.


9 years ago


SA tops Africa millionaires list

South Africa is named as the country with the highest number of dollar millionaires in Africa, with Johannesburg at the top.


9 years ago


Uganda tops list of EAC open budgets

The Global Open Budget Survey Index 2015 has ranked Uganda among the top 24 leading countries in budget transparency out of 102 surveyed.


11 years ago


MCL tops list of entries for journos excellence awards

Mwananchi Communications Ltd (MCL) has led a list of top five media houses that have submitted entries for the 2013 Excellence in Journalism Awards Tanzania (EJAT).


10 years ago


Worries as plans for voter education stuck

>With only six months to the General Election, fear is mounting that the country could go into the polls without adequate voter education.


9 years ago


Chadema promises senior citizens health care

After rising demands by senior citizens to have their interests represented by presidential hopefuls, presidential running-mate for Chadema Mr Juma Duni Hadji has today announced the party’s dedication towards improving services- particularly health care-to the elderly.


11 years ago


State Assures Citizens of Quality Education

State Assures Citizens of Quality Education
THE government has assured the public that it remains committed to provide quality education to Tanzanians. Deputy Minister for Education and Vocational Training, Jenista Mhagama, said this while touring the Dar es Salaam University College of Education ...


11 years ago


Poverty bars many from joining health schemes in Nkasi

Extreme poverty among residents in Nkasi District has been cited as among factors that discourage most people to subscribe to Community Health Fund (CHF).



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