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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Power rationing risk ‘high’

Dodoma. The national grid has a surplus of only 8.86MW and the country will have to endure rationing in case one of the existing production plants malfunctions, Parliament was alerted yesterday.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Tanesco defends power rationing

Tanzania Electric Supply Company (Tanesco) said in Dar today that the ongoing power rationing is due to a drop in production of hydro-electric power by 81.3 percent.


9 years ago


JK hurt he ends term with power rationing

President Jakaya Kikwete has expressed his disappointment for having assumed presidency when there was power rationing and leaving office when the situation is the same.


9 years ago


Power rationing resumes in Dodoma after CCM meetings

Power rationing resumes in Dodoma after CCM meetings
The Dodoma Municipality is experiencing another round of untimely power rationing just few days after the ruling Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM) completed its meeting here. CCM embarked on a series of meetings recently that culminated to the naming of the ...


11 years ago


Kenya 'at high risk' of deadly Ebola

The World Health Organization classifies Kenya as a high-risk country for the spread of the deadly Ebola virus.


11 years ago


South Sudan at high risk of tearing itself apart

>I visited South Sudan at the end of April, for the second time in five months. I found the world’s youngest country a different place now from the one I remember from November. A country at risk of tearing itself apart, in dire need of peace and reconciliation.


11 years ago


Malaria: list of top 10 high-risk countries in Africa

>Gains in fighting malaria in Sub-Saharan Africa have left the highest risk for the disease concentrated in 10 countries, according to a study published on Wednesday by The Lancet medical journal.


9 years ago


High risk in aviation industry scares away local millionaires

From manufacturing, real estate to road transportation, participation of Tanzanian investors is noticed but not in the aviation sector.


5 years ago

The Verge

Health care workers are at high risk of catching COVID-19

Health care workers are at high risk of catching COVID-19  The VergeUS has 1% of the 3.5 billion face masks needed if COVID-19 becomes a pandemic - Business Insider  Business InsiderHealth experts say healthy Americans don`t need masks, but they keep buying them  WGN NewsResearchers: There are 2 Strains of Coronavirus Mar 5  TruNewsHealth Experts Are Telling Healthy People Not to Wear Face Masks for Coronavirus. So Why Are So Many Doing It?  TIMEView Full coverage on Google...


5 years ago

Africanews English

Coronavirus: Egypt, Algeria, South Africa at 'high risk'

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