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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Premier warns against misuse of relief food

Premier warns against misuse of relief food
Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa has warned against the misuse of relief food citing reports that the food is being used to make local brew. The PM warned that tough disciplinary action will be taken against all found guilty. The Premier sounded the ...


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago

Daily News

Govt warns about constituency funds' misuse

Govt warns about constituency funds' misuse
Daily News
THE Zanzibar government has warned that it will take disciplinary measures against legislators who misappropriate Constituency Development Funds (CDF). “The funds are intended for developing the constituency and funding selected programmes. People ...


10 years ago


TCRA Warns Public Over Misuse of Phones

TCRA Warns Public Over Misuse of Phones
THE Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA) has cautioned the public against misuse of communication services, especially mobile phones, social networks, radio and television broadcasting. According to the authority, the caution comes ...


9 years ago


Majaliwa warns executives over misuse of public funds

Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa warned yesterday that the government will instantly take disciplinary measures against any local government executive director found misusing public funds.


9 years ago


Tanzania: Majaliwa Warns Executives Over Misuse of Public Funds

Tanzania: Majaliwa Warns Executives Over Misuse of Public Funds
Lindi — Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa warned yesterday that the government will instantly take disciplinary measures against any local government executive director found misusing public funds. The Premier issued the warning yesterday when addressing ...
Councils' officials warned against funds' misuseDaily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)

all 3


11 years ago


Distribution of relief food gets underway in Mtwara

Distribution of relief food gets underway in Mtwara
Authorities in Mtwara have started distributing relief food to 130 people who were left homeless by heavy rains recently. Mtwara Rural District Commissioner Wilman Ndile told The Guardian yesterday that they have received 200 tonnes of maize from the ...


11 years ago


Japan donates Sh2.3 billion food relief to refugee camp

>Japan has donated food relief worth Sh2.3 billion to Nyarugusu refugee camp in Kigoma.


9 years ago


Premier compliments Iringa as one of leading food producing regions

Premier compliments Iringa as one of leading food producing regions
Prime Minister, Kassim Majaliwa yesterday expressed confidence with the food security status of Ruvuma Region and described the region as one of the leading food production hubs of the country. Speaking with high ranking government officials in Songea ...
Measures spelled out to revamp educationDaily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)

all 2


5 years ago


UN warns of global food shortage caused by coronavirus measures: report

UN warns of global food shortage caused by coronavirus measures: report  msnNOWUnited Nations Warns That Coronavirus Lockdowns Could Cause Global Food Shortage  Anonymous NewsUN warns of global food shortage caused by coronavirus measures: report | TheHill  The HillView Full coverage on Google News


5 years ago

The Irish Sun

Coronavirus could cause global food shortage as countries hoard their produce, UN warns

Coronavirus could cause global food shortage as countries hoard their produce, UN warns  The Irish SunView Full coverage on Google News



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