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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Presidential fund told to support common people

Presidential fund told to support common people
Daily News
PRESIDENTIAL Trust Fund (PTF) has been urged to develop multiple streams of income that will be used in generating money for lending the common citizens in the country. Minister of State in the President's Office, Relations and Coordination, Mary Nagu, ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Parliament told about transparency of wealth fund

>Plans are afoot to establish the Sovereign Wealth Fund in keeping with the law, Parliament was told yesterday. Responding to a question from Igalula MP Athuman Mfutakamba, deputy minister for Energy and Minerals Stephen Masele, said the fund would come up with regulations taking into account the country’s needs.


11 years ago


New fund to help support farmers

Mkinga district has announced plans to create a fund to ensure farmers receive agricultural inputs in time and close to their homes.


10 years ago


Businesses pledge more support to crime fund

Businesses have pledged more support to the Tanga Region Business Fund Against Crime (TARBFAC)


10 years ago


Forget presidential nomination, hopefuls told

CCM in Arusha District has counselled parliamentary seat hopefuls to forget the party’s presidential nomination process which saw names of some heavyweights dropped from the race.


10 years ago


Call for Special Fund to Support Paralegal Actors

Call for Special Fund to Support Paralegal Actors
THE government should set aside a special fund for supporting operations of paralegals, widely seen as key instruments in the provision of legal aid services, with a view to enhancing access to justice in Tanzania. The observation was made by a ...
Govt called upon to support operations of paralegals.IPPmedia

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11 years ago


World fund moves to support oil and gas rich communities

Tanga. The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Tanzania Chapter, has stressed the need for civil societies in Tanzania to form zonal alliances that would coordinate activities under the Oil for Development Programme under the Fund.


10 years ago


Women entrepreneurs to get more support, summit told

Women were yesterday the big winners at Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES) 2015 as US President Barack Obama announced over KSh100 billion to support women entrepreneurs.


9 years ago


Chadema, CUF told to support own aspirants

Chadema national acting secretary general Salum Mwaimu, has told Chadema and CUF members to stop bickering and concentrate on floating its own aspirants.


10 years ago


Support small industries, Sido told

>The Small Industries Development Organisation (Sido) should address issues that still hinder its efforts to support small-scale industries. “Sido has a major role to play to ensure that the country’s vision 2025 is achieved,” said Industry and Trade minister Abdallah Kigoda.



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