
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Public shares blame for poor infrastructure

Public shares blame for poor infrastructure
Tanzanians' desire for better transport and communication infrastructure ranks among the country's top priorities for decades even as the situation has considerably improved compared with the pre-independent Tanganyika more than fifty years ago.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Poor infrastructure hurts us: fastjet

Fastjet Tanzania has urged the government to expand local air strips and refurbish runways to accommodate bigger planes to enhance domestic air travel.


11 years ago


Heavy rains expose poor infrastructure

It’s generally said there’s no cloud without a silver lining...roughly meaning that there’s not a misfortune which isn’t accompanied by or associated with some consolation or hopeful feature!


10 years ago

Daily News

Public institutions unite against DART infrastructure vandalism

Public institutions unite against DART infrastructure vandalism
Daily News
SOME public institutions have agreed to cooperate with the Dar es Salaam Rapid Transport Agency (DART) against vandalism of the infrastructure of the project design, to curb congestion in the city roads and streets. Public relations officers with organisations ...


9 years ago


Public to buy 49pc of Tanesco shares

Tanzania’s government plans to sell shares in the state-owned power utility to the public this year and split it into separate generation, transmission and distribution units.


10 years ago


Public servants risking censure over poor performance

Public servants risking censure over poor performance
Chief Secretary Ombeni Sefue has warned public servants to refrain from doing business as usual, saying time is ripe to weed out those who cannot deliver. Opening a two-day closed door meeting of senior government officials here yesterday, he said some ...


10 years ago


Better infrastructure if we are to up business

The abrupt decision by some major cement manufacturers to start importing coal—commonly used for heating in cement factories—Tanzania is now considering what measures to take to counter the threat.


11 years ago


Cash for Africa infrastructure

>The Chinese government has unveiled a plan to inject yuan 2.2 billion to support infrastructure development in Africa, urging Zanzibar to initiate projects so as to be among the beneficiaries.


10 years ago

Daily News

Infrastructure shortages bedevil new councils

Infrastructure shortages bedevil new councils
Daily News
THE Controller and Auditor General (CAG), Prof Mussa Assad, has identified several challenges which are hindering effective development performance of newly established local government authorities, with acute shortage of infrastructure being the leading ...


10 years ago


‘Rapid bus’ infrastructure vandalised

The rising vandalism on the newly installed materials for the Bus Rapid Transport (BRT) in the city has prompted the government to look for the lasting solution by involving public information officers.



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