
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Pupils at risk

Pupils at risk
If you are a parent or guardian with a child relying on school transport to and from school, do you have a habit of following up to find the status of vehicles in which your kid is ferried? If the answer is 'No' then there is a pressing need to develop such a habit as ...


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Pupils at risk of contracting cholera

Over 1,000 Pupils at Buswelu Primary school in Ilemela are at risk of contracting cholera following poor sanitation at the institution’s ablution block.


5 years ago


Why are Kenyan pupils not getting enough sleep?

Kenyan pupils are increasingly being asked to be at school by 6:30am despite classes not starting until 8am.


9 years ago


Demolitions affect pupils

Over 70 children left homeless following demolition of houses in Kinondoni Mkwajuni are likely to miss classes when schools open in January, The Citizen established.


10 years ago


Caning pupils unacceptable

Two teachers in Kiteto District stand accused of murder over the death of a Form Two student who did not score at least 40 marks in a Kiswahili test. In their misguided minds, the teachers clearly believe that caning is a good way to motivate their students to do better next time.


10 years ago

Daily News

All qualified pupils must go back to school

All qualified pupils must go back to school
Daily News
THE tough stance of the government in fighting illiteracy caught the attention of the international community in the late 1980s, such that many countries in Africa wished to learn about strategies employed to realise the objectives. The focus on education did not ...


11 years ago


Brighter future for deaf pupils

>John Mkulima, 18, and Zaina Hemed, 17, are respectively  Standard Six and Seven  pupils at the Buguruni Deaf School in Dar es Salaam. They suffer from hearing disorder but are among top students there.


9 years ago


When the allure of gold is too strong for pupils

It is 1pm, a bell rings at Nyarugusu Primary School, Geita Region, and pupils rush to the school ground for assembly after lunchtime.


11 years ago

Daily News

School bags on the back of pupils

Daily News
School bags on the back of pupils
Daily News
School bags on the back of pupils has become a common scene. The bags are stuffed with exercise and textbooks as captured at Msimbazi Centre in Dar es Salaam recently. Education stakeholders propose introduction of i-pad devices to the convenience of ...


11 years ago


SA teachers 'racially abused pupils'

South Africa's Human Rights Commission finds a school guilty of hate speech towards black and mixed-race pupils.



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