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Real Conversations between Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers!


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Habari Zinazoendana

5 years ago

The Citizen Daily

Tanzania short of 93 air traffic controllers

Tanzania short of 93 air traffic controllers  The Citizen Daily


5 years ago

The Verge

The FAA briefly halted air traffic in NYC area after an air traffic employee tested positive for COVID-19

The FAA briefly halted air traffic in NYC area after an air traffic employee tested positive for COVID-19  The Verge3 FAA ATC Towers Have Been Closed Due To Coronavirus  Simple FlyingCoronavirus: New York airports briefly halted all arriving flights - Business Insider  Business InsiderJFK air traffic control technician tests positive for coronavirus  FOX 5 NYDelays at JFK after flights at New York grounded as air traffic control worker tests positive for coronavirus  The SunView Full...


10 years ago

BBC News

Air Tanzania pilots leave passengers to Comoros stranded

Air Tanzania pilots leave passengers to Comoros stranded
BBC News
More than 100 passengers are stranded at an airport in Tanzania after pilots failed to report to work following their Christmas break, officials said. They were due to have flown on 27 December from Dar es Salaam to Comoros and other destinations.


11 years ago


We Desire Traffic Order, Not Traffic Intimidation

We Desire Traffic Order, Not Traffic Intimidation
THE decision by authorities in Dar es Salaam Region to relieve auction marts from the duty of overseeing traffic order in the city must have come as a relief to vehicle owners and motorists. Being such a big city with thousands of vehicles of all types and sizes, ...


5 years ago

The Verge

How to use your own controllers to play Google Stadia

How to use your own controllers to play Google Stadia  The Verge


10 years ago


Global Conversations Participants in Tanzania

Global Conversations Participants in TanzaniaIn the Research phase of the Zero to Five Challenge , the Amplify Program wants to get stories about early childhood, parenthood and successful initiatives from everywhere – including places without regular Internet access. So we've set up a process where people in India and Tanzania can use basic cell phones to share their stories with the OpenIDEO community online. 

This profile includes stories from community members in the Morogoro region of...


9 years ago


Search for missing pilots still on

Tanzania People’s Defence Forces (TPDF) said today the search for its two pilots who went missing following a plane crash in the Indian Ocean early last month is still on.


10 years ago


Govt to address shortage of pilots

>Tanzania intends to embark on a programme aimed at solving the problem of shortage of pilots facing the air travel sector in the country.


10 years ago


Russian pilots kidnapped in Darfur

Two Russian pilots working for UN peacekeeping mission in Sudan's Darfur region have been kidnapped, Russia says.



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