Really good one….Are you proud of your Dad?
On the first day, as President Abraham Lincoln entered to give his inaugural address, Just in the middle, one man stood up. He was a rich aristocrat.
He said, “Mr. Lincoln, you should not forget that your father used to make shoes for my family .”
And the whole Senate laughed; they thought they had made a fool of Abraham Lincoln.
But Lincoln and that type of people are made of a totally different mettle.
Lincoln looked at the man and said, ” Sir I know that my father used to make shoes in...
Dewji Blog
Habari Zinazoendana
11 years ago
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Plea to give people good Katiba Deliver good Katiba to : Grant TZ good new call
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Dad school: How to be a better father
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TheCitizen20 Mar
EDITORIAL: Good law will be good for us all, so don’t rush bill
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VIDEO: 'Good musicians make good money'
10 years ago
Diddy's son is totally cool with his father brawling with his football coaches -- in fact ... he's thanking Diddy for the fight that cost him multiple felonies.Justin Combs broke his silence about his dad's arrest by posting a pic of himself and Diddy ... with the caption, "I thank God for having a father that's always there for me.. Love you pops!"
TMZ Sports broke the story -- we're told Justin's strength and conditioning coach, Sal Alosi, had called him out ... saying, "I don't care if...
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ASK TEACHER OWERE: Help me deal with my alcoholic dad
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JOKE: A little boy goes to his dad and asks, ‘What is Politics?’
A little boy goes to his dad and asks, ‘What is Politics?’
Dad says, ‘Well son, let me try to explain it this way:
I am the head of the family, so call me The Prime Minister.
Your mother is the administrator of the money, so we call her the Government.
We are here to take care of your needs, so we will call you the People.
The nanny, we will consider her the Working Class.
And your baby brother, we will call him the Future.
Now think about that and see if it makes sense.’
So the little boy...
10 years ago
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Good CCM show is good for business
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THE ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) was last week engaged in the process of nomination of its candidate to run for president of the United Republic in the forthcoming general election scheduled for October 25. The process was initially shrouded in an ...
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