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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Referendum to be rescheduled

Referendum to be rescheduled - govt
Prime Minister Mizengo Pinda calms down opposition legislator John Cheyo (2nd-R) after tempered flared in the National Assembly debating chamber in Dodoma yesterday morning. The National Electoral Commission (NEC) is now expected to reschedule ...


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Habari Zinazoendana

5 years ago

BBC News

Raigmore operations rescheduled due to coronavirus

Raigmore operations rescheduled due to coronavirus  BBC News


10 years ago


When will referendum be held?

 We now have the document from a Constituent Assembly (CA) known as the Proposed Constitution, which was handed over to President Jakaya Kikwete and Zanzibar President Mohamed Shein in Dodoma on Wednesday.


10 years ago


Referendum, Elections Should Go On Well

Referendum, Elections Should Go On Well
THE clock is ticking and, despite what others may opine, Tanzanians by their numbers are waiting to cast their votes in the coming historic referendum that would decide if the populace rejects or endorses the Proposed Constitution. Next will be the general ...


10 years ago


Referendum still thorny

>President Jakaya Kikwete on Sunday re-affirmed that the referendum will take place on April 30 this year as announced last year.


10 years ago


Why this rush for referendum?

While the process of updating the voters’ register using the biometric voter’s registration (BVR) is still in slow progress, thus making holding a referendum for the proposed Constitution untenable, the government maintains that the date for referendum will not change.


10 years ago


Referendum might be postponed

Daily News
Referendum might be postponed - NEC
The National Electoral Commission (NEC) yesterday said because of the snail paced progress of the Biometric Voters Registration (BVR) in Njombe Region, there is a great possibility that the referendum on the proposed Constitution may be postponed.
NEC given funds for more BVR kitsDaily News

all 4


10 years ago


Ukawa right on referendum pull out, but ...

I have long felt that, as part of uniting an already polarised society like ours before it is too late, there are areas our politicians need to decide independently from their party stands -- making of the new constitution is one.


10 years ago


Brief review of the Referendum law

Even as we are now supposed to be in the Referendum mood, there’s hardly anyone who knows what its law says. This knowledge is crucial if people are to endorse the Proposed Constitution.


10 years ago

Daily News

Referendum on Katiba postponed

Daily News
Referendum on Katiba postponed
Daily News
THE National Electoral Commission (NEC) has postponed indefinitely the referendum for the Proposed Constitution earlier planned for April 30. Addressing reporters in Dar es Salaam on Thursday, the NEC Chairman, Judge (retired) Damian Lubuva, said the ...
Tanzania Delays Referendum on ConstitutionBig News
Tanzania postpones referendum on constitutionDaily Mail
Tanzania postpones constitutional referendum: election commissionPeninsula...



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