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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Refugees cholera death toll hits 30

The death toll due to cholera in Kigoma has now risen to 33. There are fears that the outbreak, in which the victims are refugees fleeing violence in Burundi, may take more than two weeks to contain.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Cholera hits 3,000 Burundi refugees

More than 3,000 Burundian refugees in Tanzania have contracted cholera, the UN says, with hundreds of new cases a day.


10 years ago


Cholera hits 3000 Burundi refugees in Tanzania

Cholera hits 3000 Burundi refugees in Tanzania - UN
Reuters Africa
GENEVA/BUJUMBURA, May 22 (Reuters) - About 3,000 refugees fleeing political turmoil in Burundi have been infected in a cholera epidemic in neighbouring Tanzania, the United Nations said on Friday, stoking fears of a growing humanitarian crisis in ...


9 years ago


Dar es Salaam cholera death toll rises to four

At least four people have died of cholera in Dar es Salaam since the disease resurfaced in the city last weekend. Twenty-six people had been hospitalised in Kinondoni District by midday yesterday with excessive diarrhoea and vomiting, up from six patients reported on Sunday.


11 years ago


Ebola death toll hits 208 in Guinea

Some 208 people have now died from the Ebola virus in Guinea after a deadly spike in cases in recent days, world health officials say.


11 years ago


Mwakyembe requests relief for Kyela flood victims as death toll hits 7

>The Minister for Transport, Dr Harrison Mwakyembe, yesterday appealed  to well-wishers to come forward and help Kyela District residents whose lives have been disrupted by floods in the wake of the ongoing rains.


5 years ago

Daily Mail

Seven more people die in Wales as UK coronavirus death toll hits 240 and three medics, 30, are ill

Seven more people die in Wales as UK coronavirus death toll hits 240 and three medics, 30, are ill  Daily MailCoronavirus: NHS staff protection 'short of WHO guidelines'  BBC NewsCoronavirus: NHS to gain thousands of additional staff and beds in historic deal with private hospitals  The IndependentNHS strikes deal with private hospitals for 20,000 extra staff, 8,000 beds and 1,200 ventilators  Daily MailCoronavirus: Almost entire private health industry being signed over to NHS  Mirror...


10 years ago


In Tanzania, protecting refugees from cholera

IMG_20150620_094935Refugees at the Nyarugusu Camp receive the Oral Cholera Vaccine. (c) UNICEF Tanzania/2015/Thomas Lyimo.
Last week the Oral Cholera Vaccine, OCV, was administered at the Nyarugusu Refugee Camp, in Kigoma Region, Tanzania, to over 106,000 refugees from the Congo and – more recently – Burundi, out of an estimated camp population of 120,000 (children under the age of one were not vaccinated, hence the discrepancy in numbers). Medicins Sans Frontiers (MSF), who administered the vaccine,...


10 years ago


Cholera strikes 3000 Burundi refugees in Tanzania: UN

Cholera strikes 3000 Burundi refugees in Tanzania: UN
GENEVA Some 3,000 cases of cholera have been reported in a worsening epidemic in Tanzania among Burundian refugees, the United Nations said on Friday. A Tanzanian health official told Reuters on Wednesday that at least 33 people had died from the ...
UN says Burundi refugees cholera epidemic worseningYahoo! Maktoob News
Cholera Epidemic Claims 31 Lives in Tanzania, Including 29 Burundian
300-400 new cholera...


10 years ago


Cholera infects 3000 Burundian refugees; UN call for help

Channel News Asia
Cholera infects 3000 Burundian refugees; UN call for help
KAMPALA, Uganda (AP) — The U.N. refugee agency says an outbreak of cholera has infected 3,000 people in a Tanzanian border region where refugees from Burundi have massed. UNHCR says 300 to 400 new cases are being reported daily. At least 31 ...
Cholera strikes 3000 Burundi refugees in Tanzania: UNYahoo News

all 38



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