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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Reject bushfire farming

Reject bushfire farming  The Citizen Daily

The Citizen Daily

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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago

Dewji Blog

More than 100 homes confirmed lost in Great Ocean Road bushfire!!


Firefighters were hopeful the Great Ocean Road fire would not reach Lorne, with more favourable weather conditions expected on Boxing Day. Photograph: Keith Pakenham/Country Fire Authority

The number of homes destroyed in the Wye River fire on Victoria’s Great Ocean Road on Christmas Day has risen to 116.

Country Fire Authority deputy incident controller Mark Gunning said 116 houses in Wye River and Separation Creek had been destroyed in the 2200-hectare blaze.

“That will probably be the...


10 years ago

Daily News

Six CA members reject Katiba

Daily News
Six CA members reject Katiba
Daily News
CONSTITUENT Assembly (CA) Chairperson Samuel Sitta was yesterday compelled to apply Provision Number 54 (4) of the Standing Orders to form a consensus committee to establish the reasons that led to six CA members to entirely reject the proposed ...


11 years ago


Now CA members reject rules

Constituent Assembly proceedings took a new twist yesterday with some members openly accusing a committee picked to refine the proposed standing orders of pushing personal agendas.


11 years ago


Reject abuse of women

Tanzanians, generally, have a reputation for being peace-loving, but whether this applies on the domestic front is highly debatable.There has to be support, love, understanding and care for each other at the family level for society to survive and thrive


11 years ago


Cooperatives reject political meddling

Cooperative societies have conceived a plan that will see all politicians and public servants removed from leadership positions in such entities in efforts to rescue them from the current deterioration.


9 years ago


Residents reject candidate at rally

Chairman of the opposition NLD and Masasi parliamentary candidate, Dr Emannuel Makaidi, reportedly faced a hard time recently after residents of the constituency publicly rejected him for not being their choice.


10 years ago


Councillors reject health plan

Councillors here have rejected the proposition to convert a health facility owned by the African Inland Church Tanzania (AICT) at Mkula into a district hospital (DDH), saying the facility still faces numerous challenges including shortage of buildings.


9 years ago


Traore set to reject Guinea call-up

Ibrahima Traore looks set to standby his decision to take a break from international football and reject a call-up to play for Guinea.


10 years ago


South Sudan rebels reject deal

South Sudan rebels deny that they were party to a deal to form a power-sharing government within 45 days to end the conflict.



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