Remote working could put an end to the office as we know it
Remote working could put an end to the office as we know it TechRadar
Habari Zinazoendana
5 years ago
TechRadar04 Apr
5 years ago
Forbes04 Apr
What 7 Studies Show About Social Distancing And Remote Working During COVID-19
What 7 Studies Show About Social Distancing And Remote Working During COVID-19 Forbes
11 years ago
TheCitizen19 May
EDITORIAL: Why Speaker must put an end to this madness
>In its yesterday’s edition, Mwananchi newspaper ran on its front-page, a story on alleged plans to block the budget for the Energy and Minerals ministry.
11 years ago
TheCitizen25 May
There is a need to put an end to single-party autocracy
I’m of the opinion that Tanzanian’s political co-existence is characterised by autocracy of the ruling party, CCM. This autocracy emanated from a few people’s interest in the system whose political power appears legitimately granted to them through elections.
11 years ago
TheCitizen19 Apr
It’s time to put an end to these raids on banks
Last Tuesday’s armed robbery at Barclays Bank in Kinondoni in Dar es Salaam, raises serious questions about our security situation. Armed robberies are increasingly being reported countrywide.
10 years ago
TheCitizen04 Mar
EDITORIAL: Put an end to Albino killings now, please!
>The killing of people with albinism, ostensibly for their body parts, is a crime so heinous that we must do all we can to bring it to an end. It is disturbing that there is an air of desperation around this subject, with more lamenting than working out a plan of action to save these precious lives.
11 years ago
TheCitizen13 May
Phone used as remote control
Misplacing a remote control for your television, an air conditioner (AC) and many other home appliances should now no longer be a headache to Tanzanians using Samsung products as the electronic giant has automated all such applications under your own smartphone.
10 years ago
5 years ago
Engadget29 Feb
Boeing didn't conduct end-to-end tests on Starliner before its failed flight
Boeing didn't conduct end-to-end tests on Starliner before its failed flight EngadgetBoeing says thorough testing would have caught Starliner software problems Spaceflight Now‘We Have Gaps to Fill’: Starliner Manager Admits to Wrongfully Testing Spacecraft During Mission Sputnik InternationalHow Boeing software errors jeopardized its 737 Max and NASA spaceship - Business Insider Business InsiderBoeing defends Starliner space capsule ground tests after problematic debut...
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Tanzania Today
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13-February-2025 in Tanzania