
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Residents demand 20 per cent return from fishing on shoreline

Residents of Ihumilo Village in Nkome Ward have demanded a return of 20 per cent of revenue Geita municipality collects from fishing activities conducted in the village’s shoreline.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Students demand return of abducted colleague

Students demand return of abducted colleague
Students of higher learning institutions countrywide plan a strike to push law enforcers to investigate disappearance of colleague Musa Mdede, the Tanzania Higher Learning Institutions Students Organization (TAHLISO) has declared. Fourth-year student at ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Bukoba residents demand rest of compensation over Bukoba airport

Bukoba residents demand rest of compensation over Bukoba airport
Daily News
ABOUT 18 people are demanding to be paid over 400m/- compensation as a result of the rehabilitation and upgrading of the Bukoba Airport. Bukoba Airport Manager, Mr Julius Mlungwana told the 'Daily News on Saturday' in an interview that government ...


9 years ago


Why I quit dynamite fishing

As participants in a two-day seminar on control of dynamite or blast fishing waited to hear from a former dynamite fisher, one could have heard a pin drop. It was all silence.


9 years ago


The resurgence of blast fishing

A marine scientist yesterday made damning revelations on the extent of dynamite fishing in some coastal areas of Tanzania, saying the resurgence of blast-fishing has been driven by the availability of illegally-traded industrial explosives and detonation materials, in part, imported for use in the mining sector.


11 years ago


Stop destructive fishing

Psychologists tell us that man has the inert tendency to self-destruct. You can’t but agree with them when you look at the conduct of some fishermen who engage in dynamite fishing.


10 years ago

Daily News

Illegal fishing must be effectively tamed

Illegal fishing must be effectively tamed
Daily News
SMALL-SCALE fishermen on the Lake Tanganyika shoreline have come up in arms complaining bitterly that their 802m/- fish market in Kasanga Village in Kalambo District remains in complete disuse even after being opened officially. Construction of the ...


10 years ago


Fishing town crumbling to the ground

Can Somaliland's forgotten fishing town reinvent itself?


9 years ago


Can dynamite fishing be stopped in Tanzania?

A marine scientist, Mr Jason Rubens, today made damning revelations on the extent of dynamite fishing in some coastal areas of Tanzania, saying the resurgence of blast-fishing has been driven by the availability of illegally-traded industrial explosives and detonation materials, in part, imported for use in the mining sector.


9 years ago


Unlocking of fishing potential expected

The next government is expected to unlock great fishing potential.This is important taking into account the fact that since the liquidation of the Tanzania Fishing Company in 1999 no room has been created for private sector investments to fill the gap.



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