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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Revocation an important victory in conservation

The government has finally caved in to relentless pressure and revoked the hunting licence issued to Green Miles Safaris, which operated in Selous Game Reserve.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


EDITORIAL: Water conservation crucial

World Water Day marked on Saturday was a poignant reminder that fresh water is increasingly becoming scarce around the globe, setting the stage for a doomsday scenario in the next few decades. Access to water is at the centre of conflicts in some parts of Africa, and this serves to underscore the magnitude of the problem and its potential to slowly but steadily spiral out of control.


9 years ago


New Authority to Bolster Conservation of Wildlife

New Authority to Bolster Conservation of Wildlife
Inauguration of Tanzania Wildlife Management Authority (TAWA) will go a long way to strengthen efforts in protecting and conserving wildlife in the country, as it is charged with the task to build capacity for quick and timely response to wildlife ...
Govt forms new agency for wildlife protectionIPPmedia
TAWA launch speeches - taken with many grains of salteTurboNews

all 4


10 years ago


Checkups are very important

Medical checkups for young children is vital for their growth. Through such checkups illnesses can be easily identified early enough before they cause problems to the child’s health.


10 years ago


Campaigners to honour Nyerere for conservation efforts

>Tanzania’s conservation stakeholders have rescheduled their annual march against elephant and rhino poaching to coincide with Nyerere Day on October 14.


11 years ago


Bikes to enhance rural teaching, conservation

Bikes to enhance rural teaching, conservation
In a move aimed at enhancing the community care workers performance the Second Chance Education Centre (SCEC) has donated at least 70 bicylces worth 26.6m/- in a period of two years. Speaking in an exclusive interview with The Guardian during the ...


9 years ago


Eala enacts forest conservation law

A new regional framework to conserve the environment in the East African Community (EAC) bloc has been put in place after the passing of the EAC Forests Management and Protection Bill 2015 into law on Thursday.


10 years ago


Up investments in urban conservation, govt urged

>The conservation of urban heritage in the country will succeed once the government increases funding for the sector and shows a political will to improve it.


10 years ago

Daily News

Kikwete to dedicate time for wildlife conservation

Kikwete to dedicate time for wildlife conservation
Daily News
PRESIDENT Jakaya Kikwete has said he will devote part of his time to support wildlife conservation after ending his term in office. The president said this on Friday when gracing an occasion to release wild dogs in Serengeti National Park (SENAPA).


5 years ago


Bionic 3D-Printed Corals Could Help Reef Conservation

Bionic 3D-Printed Corals Could Help Reef Conservation  DivePhotoGuide.comBioprinted coral outdoes the real thing at growing algae  New Atlas3-D-printed corals could improve bioenergy and help coral reefs  Phys.orgView Full coverage on Google News



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