
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Sad that Migeyo candle should fade, not flicker

Some members of the animal kingdom of Tanzania’s northern tourist circuit are endangered species, ‘thanks’ to soul-less fellows who see elephants, rhinos and other wildlife as agencies for quick riches. I’m talking here, of tusks, horns, claws, skins, and what-not.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Hopes of finding 7 miners trapped underground fade

Hopes of rescuing seven artisanal miners trapped in quarries at Nyangarata gold pits in Kahama District faded yesterday after the government called off the exercise.


10 years ago


MUSINGS: Just Keep the candle burning

There are certain types of women, who for some reason think they can have it both ways. To play both the bully and victim at ago; just ask men who have divorced and remarried a couple of times.


5 years ago


11 years ago


MUSINGS: Keeping the candle burning after years

>There is a certain type of women, who for some reason think they can have it both ways.They can play both the bully and the victim at the same time.


11 years ago


Mama Maria: Keeping Mwalimu Julius Nyerere`s candle alight

Mama Maria: Keeping Mwalimu Julius Nyerere`s candle alight
Mama Maria Magige Nyerere was the first lady of Tanzania from November 1964 to November 5, 1985. Almost 29 years later, she still attracts the respect she did when she was wife to Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere, Tanzania's first president after ...


10 years ago


Sad! He should be in school...

From a LIB reader who saw the little boy...

I was on my way to a shop in the market at Eke Awka in Anambra state and I saw this little child sleeping. First thing that came to my mind was that this child is resting after hawking either satchet (pure) water or any other goods he was asked to sell and was sleeping in such an environment, whereas his peers are in the classrooms learning. These are our future leaders and musn't be pass through all these sufferings in this 21st century. Please...


11 years ago


It’s sad that we no longer believe in volunteerism!

We are gratified that the brazen-faced clamour for more money by our Constituent Assembly (CA) members has been dealt with decisively.


9 years ago


The sad tale of 80-year-old woman

“Had my son been alive, I would have not lived a miserable life like this. Perhaps, I would have been taken abroad for treatment,” these are the words of an approximately 80-year-old woman Aisha Baraka, who has spent most of her time in the last fifteen years lying in a traditional rope-crafted bed, famously known as Teremka Tukaze in Kiswahili.


11 years ago


Very sad farewell to etiquette in Bongo

Having dropped off a daladala that has stopped just for “msaada” (read illegal) at a bus stop just across one of your roadside locals, you walk to the counter. As it were, you’re dying for a drink.



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