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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Saugatuck Elementary children help send girls to school in Tanzania

Saugatuck Elementary children help send girls to school in Tanzania
Westport News
Children and their families at Saugatuck Elementary School have raised enough money to send two African girls to school in Tanzania. The schoolwide spare change drive for the SEGA Girls School in Tanzania raised $1,647-- enough money to sponsor two ...

Westport News

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Westport Now

Saugatuck Students Raise Funds for Tanzania School

Saugatuck Students Raise Funds for Tanzania School
Westport Now
Ben Berkley (l) and JT Shapiro of Saugatuck Elementary School's Caring Council have their change counted at the TD Bank on Westport's Main Street after a month-long effort to raise funds for the tuition of two students at the Secondary Education for Girls' ...


11 years ago

Daily News

Southern regions urged to send children to school

Daily News
Southern regions urged to send children to school
Daily News
FIRST Lady Salma Kikwete has underscored the need for parents and teachers to join hands towards ensuring that all school-going children attend classes for improved education standard in southern regions. Mama Kikwete, who is on a tour of Lindi Region ...


11 years ago


Fees or no fees, parents to send children to school or face arrest

Fees or no fees, parents to send children to school or face arrest
Whether they have the school fees or not, parents in Singida region have been ordered to send their graduate pupils to secondary schools or they will be arrested. To implement the command, District Commissioners across Singida region have been ...


9 years ago


Tanzania: In Education Push, Tanzania to Punish Parents of Children Out of School
Tanzania: In Education Push, Tanzania to Punish Parents of Children Out of School
Dar es Salaam — As Tanzania prepares to introduce free basic education for all, the government has warned that it will punish parents who fail to ensure their children go to school. In a major policy shift, primary and secondary schooling will be free ...
Dar hosts regional workshop on hotel courseDaily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)
Hockey development needs serious...


9 years ago


Let pregnant girls return to school in Tanzania, campaigners plea

Let pregnant girls return to school in Tanzania, campaigners plea
DAR ES SALAAM (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Emily Nyoni was enjoying studying at Bunju secondary school in Dar es Salaam and hoped to pursue medical studies to become a doctor until she found out she was pregnant and was expelled. Nyoni, then ...


9 years ago

Hindustan Times

Tanzania to punish parents of children out of school

Hindustan Times
Tanzania to punish parents of children out of school
Hindustan Times
Tanzanian children are sometimes kept at home to work in the fields or to sell fruit and vegetables in the cities. (Courtesy/Tanzanian Education Foundation). Share. Share. Share. Share. As Tanzania prepares to introduce free basic education for all ...
The News in photo of 14th December 2015Daily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)
Hockey development needs serious backingIPPmedia
Tanzania to...


10 years ago

Reuters Africa

Lightning kills teacher and six children at Tanzania school

Lightning kills teacher and six children at Tanzania school
Reuters Africa
DAR ES SALAAM, April 14 (Reuters) - A lightning strike killed six children and their teacher at a school in northwestern Tanzania on Tuesday, nearly two months after lightning storms caused deaths at another school in the area, a senior police official said.


11 years ago


Tanzania: World Bank to Help Millions of Children Learn More in School ...

Tanzania: World Bank to Help Millions of Children Learn More in School ...
The World Bank Group's Board of Executive Directors has approved support for Tanzania's “Big Results Now in Education” program, which aims to raise the quality of education in the country's primary and secondary schools. The Board also approved further ...


9 years ago


In education push, Tanzania to punish parents of children out of school

In education push, Tanzania to punish parents of children out of school
DAR ES SALAAM (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - As Tanzania prepares to introduce free basic education for all, the government has warned that it will punish parents who fail to ensure their children go to school. In a major policy shift, primary and ...



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