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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Scholarships Oil and Gas

Since 2011 the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM), specifically the Department of Chemical and Mining Engineering, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) of Norway and the Angolan University of Agostinho Netto are collaborating under the ANTHEI project to train professionals for petroleum engineering and geosciences at Masters level. Already three batches of a total of 28 Tanzanian students have been enrolled under the program. In this program the students spend...


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Yes, Be cautious on oil, gas

A report on oil and gas in East Africa released by Deloitte on Monday suggests that Tanzania risks losing on the lucrative oil and gas sector.


9 years ago


Oil and gas profits could take a decade

Tanzanians will have to wait longer before they start benefiting from revenues generated from the explored natural gas, Tanzania Development and Production International (TDPI) country manager, Mr Oystein Michelsen said yesterday.


10 years ago


Only gas, oil can save trees

The government recently gave two Arusha-based factories a three-month ultimatum to stop using fuel wood in their production.


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Umeå University Scholarships for International Students │IOE Centenary Masters Scholarships and Many More


Global Health Corps Fellowship

Global Health Corps provides a yearlong paid fellowship for young professionals from diverse backgrounds to work on the frontlines of the fight for global health equity at existing health organizations and government agencies… More

TWAS Research Grants Programme in Basic Sciences (Consortia)

Qualified researchers in one or more of the 81 S&T-lagging countries identified by TWAS are invited to form a research consortium with one or two collaborating groups to...


11 years ago


Oil and gas: Now the hard work begins in EA

The UK market intelligence firm Business Monitor International says Tanzania, Angola and Mozambique have the highest prospects for oil and gas investments in Africa.


11 years ago


Oil, gas executives inspire UK Alumni

The exciting opportunities offered by two critical parts of the oil and gas sector were presented at an event organised by the UK Alumni in Tanzania (UKAT) at the British Council in Dar es Salaam last week.


11 years ago


20 lawyers for US to learn gas, oil issues

>Private stakeholders have granted 20 scholarships for  Tanzania’s lawyers to study legal issues for the gas and oil sector.


10 years ago


Women eye gas and oil boon

Tanzanian women have vowed to take advantage of the ongoing natural gas discoveries to form companies that will take part in various business aspects that are linked to the newfound wealth.



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