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Scientists Say Global Plan to Protect Endangered Species Has Major Flaw

Scientists Say Global Plan to Protect Endangered Species Has Major Flaw  SciTechDaily


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Habari Zinazoendana

5 years ago

The Guardian

Scientists discover three new species of pterosaurs in the Sahara

Scientists discover three new species of pterosaurs in the Sahara  The Guardian


5 years ago


The audacious plan that could save a species

With only two northern white rhinos left in the world - both female - extinction seems a certainty.


5 years ago

Daily Mail

Scientists discover three new species of flying reptiles that lived in Sahara 100 million years ago

Scientists discover three new species of flying reptiles that lived in Sahara 100 million years ago  Daily MailScientists discover three new species of pterosaurs in the Sahara  The GuardianView Full coverage on Google News


11 years ago


Some 350 scientists in Dar for major conference

The Vice President, Dr Ghalib Bilal, is scheduled to open a three-day conference of scientists in the city here aimed at discussing new public health challenges facing Africa, just a year before the expiration of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).


10 years ago


TCRA: Major steps made to protect consumers’ rights

At a time when studies show that consumers of mobile phone services get annoyed when they receive unsolicited messages, Tanzania says its regulatory framework is enough to protect telecommunication customers against predatory messages.


5 years ago

Deccan Herald

Global warming to cause 'catastrophic' species loss: study

Global warming to cause 'catastrophic' species loss: study  Deccan HeraldView Full coverage on Google News


5 years ago

The Guardian

Great Barrier Reef on brink of third major coral bleaching in five years, scientists warn

Great Barrier Reef on brink of third major coral bleaching in five years, scientists warn  The GuardianGreat Barrier Reef could be hit with coral bleaching 'disaster' in weeks as temperatures rise  ABC LocalConcerns rise for Great Barrier Reef health as corals start to bleach  The Sydney Morning HeraldView Full coverage on Google News


5 years ago

Daily Sabah

Global warming to cause 'catastrophic' species loss around world, study finds

Global warming to cause 'catastrophic' species loss around world, study finds  Daily SabahView Full coverage on Google News


5 years ago

The DC Line

Press Release: Norton Asks for National Park Service's Plan to Protect Workers At Outdoor Properties During Coronavirus Crisis

Press Release: Norton Asks for National Park Service's Plan to Protect Workers At Outdoor Properties During Coronavirus Crisis  The DC LineHVNP Set to Close to Park Visitors  Big Island NowCoronavirus is closing national parks —but you can still visit them on a virtual tour  CBS NewsThis Virtual Tour of the Carlsbad Caverns Will Entertain You (and Your Kids) for Hours  Travel+LeisureHawaii Volcanoes National Park To Close Due To Pandemic  Big Island Video NewsView Full coverage on Google...



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