
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Scottish banks plan quietly amid debate

In a burst of national pride at its annual shareholder meeting in 2007 Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) was blasting out the theme tune to Braveheart, a Mel Gibson film about the first Scottish fight for independence from England.


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Habari Zinazoendana

5 years ago

VOA News

Tokyo Organizers Quietly Plan for Potential Olympics Delay, Sources say

Tokyo Organizers Quietly Plan for Potential Olympics Delay, Sources say  VOA NewsThousands flock to see Olympic flame in Japan despite virus fears  The Citizen DailyBetter to be safe than sorry with Olympics  South China Morning PostTokyo Olympics organisers considering options to delay – reports  The GuardianTrump says there’s ‘big decision’ to make over Olympics as he tells all Americans to stay home  The SunView Full coverage on Google...


9 years ago


CRDB joins 4 other banks in plan for low-cost housing

The provision of mortgage financing to public servants received a boost yesterday after CRDB Bank signed a lending agreement with Watumishi Housing Company (WHC) yesterday.


5 years ago

Ars Technica

Hydroxychloroquine trial for COVID-19 begins amid political debate

Hydroxychloroquine trial for COVID-19 begins amid political debate  Ars TechnicaView Full coverage on Google News


9 years ago


Burundi talks to resume amid appeals for veto on AU plan

The Burundi dialogue is set to resume on December 28, 2015 following calls by the international community to tame the escalating violence that has seen more than 300 killed since April.


5 years ago

VOA News

Terror Financing Watchdog Extends Pakistan Action Plan Deadline Amid Coronavirus

Terror Financing Watchdog Extends Pakistan Action Plan Deadline Amid Coronavirus  VOA NewsGravitas: India reports it deadliest day | Coronavirus Outbreak  WIONWashington’s field hospital to be dismantled before treating a patient, sent to states worse-hit by coronav...  Fox NewsCoronavirus outbreak: Kids' top coronavirus questions, answered - Wait There's More podcast  Global NewsUN Chief: Pandemic a Threat to Global Peace, Security  Voice of AmericaView Full coverage on Google...


9 years ago


Scottish Ebola nurse 'critically ill'

Scottish nurse Pauline Cafferkey, who is being treated for complications from Ebola after working in Sierra Leone, is now "critically ill".


10 years ago


Will Scottish referendum encourage Africa's separatists?

Could Scottish referendum encourage Africa's separatists?


5 years ago

BBC News

Scottish retailers report positive start to year

Scottish retailers report positive start to year  BBC News



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