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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Serengeti registers drastic drop in tourist numbers

Serengeti registers drastic drop in tourist numbers  The Citizen Daily

The Citizen Daily

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Reuters Africa

Tanzania blames migration for huge drop in elephant numbers

Tanzania blames migration for huge drop in elephant numbers
Reuters Africa
DAR ES SALAAM (Reuters) - Tanzania's elephant population fell 60 percent over the last five years but the reason could well be migration, the government said, a conclusion that drew derision from conservation groups who spoke of "industrial scale" ...
Tanzania elephants suffer 'catastrophic decline'The Sun Daily

all 28


10 years ago

East African Business Week

Tanzania faced with crisis as elephant numbers drop sharply

Tanzania faced with crisis as elephant numbers drop sharply
East African Business Week
DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania - The sharp decline of the elephant population in Tanzania mostly due to poaching, is catastrophic, a wildlife conservation group said last week writes DAMAS MAKANGALE. The Tanzanian government estimates that 65,721 ...
Mystery As 10000 Elephants
The real reason for the catastrophic collapse of Tanzania's elephant populationWashington Post
Arusha wildlife trust...


11 years ago


INSIGHT: World tourist numbers hit 1.1bn in 2013, says UN body

>International tourist numbers surged to nearly 1.1 billion in 2013 in defiance of global economic troubles, with Asia-Pacific destinations enjoying the fastest growth, a United Nations body said on Monday.


10 years ago


Top Tanzania tourist destination experiencing low tourist turnout
Top Tanzania tourist destination experiencing low tourist turnout
ARUSHA Tanzania (Xinhua) -- The Tanzania's leading tourist destination Ngorongoro Conservation Area has experienced a sharp drop of tourist vehicles getting into the Ngorongoro Crater, senior official of the wildlife sanctuary has said. Adam Akyoo, Public ...
Tanzania's leading tourist destination experiences low turnout of

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11 years ago


'Drastic action' needed on Ebola

"Drastic action" is needed to contain the spread of deadly Ebola in West Africa, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).


9 years ago


ACT’s drastic move in election promise

The Alliance for Change and Transparency (ACT-Wazalendo) promises sweeping changes in economic, social and political management if elected to power in the October 25 General Election.


10 years ago


Drastic action to save endangered tortoise

In a desperate bid to save one of the world's most endangered animals, conservationists in Madagascar are defacing tortoise shells.


9 years ago


Team proposes drastic reduction in number of Kenyan MPs

The number of Kenyan elected MPs should be reduced from 290 to only 150, the Commission for the Implementation of the Commission (CIC) said Tuesday.


5 years ago

The East African

Tanzania registers first coronavirus death

Tanzania registers first coronavirus death  The East AfricanTanzania records first Covid-19 death  The Citizen DailyCOVID-19 claims 1st Tanzanian, appears in Botswana  Anadolu AgencyTanzania Records First Covid19 Death  chimpreports.comTanzania Covid-19 cases rise to 19 as 5 more confirmed  Daily NationView Full coverage on Google News



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