
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Set up new platform, TAS appeals to govt

Tanzania Albinism Society (TAS) wants the government to create an official platform and policy for dealing with skin cancer in people with albinism.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Daily News

Govt appeals for joint effort in wildlife protection

Govt appeals for joint effort in wildlife protection
Daily News
THE government has said that it needs support from all stakeholders, ranging from public, private and relevant communities, to tackle thorny issues in conservation efforts such as poaching, which has increased over the years. The Minister for Natural ...


11 years ago


Govt appeals as it demolishes structures along Moro Highway

Govt appeals as it demolishes structures along Moro Highway
The government is challenging the High Court's decision that ordered it to desist with immediate effect ongoing demolition of structures along the Morogoro highway area in Mbezi, Dar es Salaam. Protesting the order, the government has appealed with the ...


10 years ago

MSD Debt

Govt set to issue statement on 102bn/

Daily News
Govt set to issue statement on 102bn/- MSD debt
Daily News
THE government has pledged to issue a statement in the National Assembly on the 102bn/- debt owed to the Medical Stores Department (MSD), as well as over 3 million tonnes of maize which are yet to be bought in various parts of the country. Minister of ...


11 years ago


Govt set to re-hire retired teachers

Retired science teachers may be recalled to cover the existing shortage in public schools, it was revealed here at the weekend.


10 years ago


Govt set to recognise private Met agencies

Arusha. The government has devised a programme to recognise privately owned meteorological centres, Dr Florence Turuka, the permanent secretary in the Prime Minister’s Office, has said.


10 years ago


Govt set to hit employers with payroll fee

The government yesterday announced plans to introduce another payroll fee. Labour and Employment deputy minister Makongoro Mahanga said the funds to be collected would be used to finance research and collect data on workers who die and or are injured at workplaces.


10 years ago


Govt set to contest Mramba, Yona jail sentence

Yona and Mramba who served as Finance and Energy and Minerals ministers respectively in Benjamin William Mkapa’s administration, were sentenced on Monday by the Kisutu court to serve three years in jail after being convicted on several counts of abuse of office and occasioning Sh11.7 billion loss to the government.


10 years ago


Govt set to review procurement law to allow purchase of used equipment for ...

Govt set to review procurement law to allow purchase of used equipment for ...
The government has said that it will review the public procurement law so as to allow institutions which want to purchase used machineries and equipment for students' practical trainings after theoretical studies in classes to do so. Speaking in an interview, ...


11 years ago


Govt directs councils to set funds for ward land tribunals

It is illegal for ward land tribunals to either impose fees on suspects or ask for their contributions to run cases, the government has said.



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