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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Sharpen your skills, graduates told

Sharpen your skills, graduates told
Daily News
Vice-Chancellor, University of Dar es Salaam, Prof Rwekaza Mukandala has said that lack of employment opportunities in the country is because graduates want to work in urban areas thus abandoning rural areas. Prof Mukandala made the revelation in Dar ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Learn regularly to sharpen skills, directors told

 Leaders of public and private companies should undergo regular training to enable them to carry out their duties efficiently.


10 years ago


Provide skills for graduates to be employed, varsities told

 Local schools and universities should develop competitive programmes to enable students to have skills suitable for employment.


10 years ago


Graduates urged to apply new skills in creating jobs

Graduates urged to apply new skills in creating jobs
Education and Vocational Training Deputy Minister, Jenista Mhagama, has urged graduates to use their newly acquired skills to address challenges facing the society, hence create jobs for themselves and others. The Deputy Minister made the call here over ...
College Starts Churning Out Laboratory

all 2


9 years ago


TCU to introduce 5-year skills expansion plan for graduates

The Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) plans to introduce a five-year skills development strategy to curb a mismatch between job market needs and quality of graduates produced in the country’s higher learning institutions.


10 years ago


Tanzania graduates told to go internationally

Daily News
Tanzania graduates told to go internationally
Tanzanians have been advised to compete for jobs at international level instead of depending on the local market alone. The statement was made by the former President Ali Hassan Mwinyi, who is also KIU Vice Chancellor during the 11th graduation ...
Graduates adved to be law abidingDaily News

all 6


10 years ago


World Parliaments sharpen ways on achieving sustainable development goals

Tanzania delegation at the 132nd Inter- Parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly which is taking place from 28 March to 1st April, 2015, in Hanoi, Viet Nam.

By Owen MwandumbyaHanoi, Viet Nam
Parliamentarians from across the world are calling upon all Parliaments and MPs to use their individual and collective power to make sustainable development a key for developments among IPU members states and have a concrete ways on which parliaments can implement the new sustainable development goals (SDGs)...


10 years ago

Daily News

50 pc of EA graduates 'unfit for employment'

50 pc of EA graduates 'unfit for employment'
Daily News
OVER 50 per cent of graduates from higher learning institutions in East Africa are not suitable for employment, the 31st meeting of the Council of Ministers has said. Chaired by East African Cooperation Minister Dr Harrison Mwakyembe, the weeklong regional ...
EA Kiswahili body gets bossIPPmedia
EAC Council of ministers concludes 31st meetingNew Vision

all 5


11 years ago

Daily News

Graduates urged to go for marketable courses

Graduates urged to go for marketable courses
Daily News
HIGHER learning institutions in the country have been urged to conduct in-depth research before introducing the mushrooming new academic courses that doom the degree content of the current graduates. This was said by the Chief Executive Officer of Brian ...
'Colleges, varsities lack research on course relevance'IPPmedia

all 2


11 years ago


JKT 'graduates' can care for our wildlife

JKT 'graduates' can care for our wildlife
Tanzania is famous for its rich variety of wildlife found in its more than a dozen national parks and game reserves. These are scattered in various parts of the country, but the famous ones are a handful. They include the Serengeti National Park, ...



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