
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Shein to enhance fisheries industry.

Shein to enhance fisheries industry.
Zanzibar CCM presidential candidate Dr Ali Mohamed Shein has pledged to transform fishing industry in isles to make the business more profitable. Speaking during a campaign rally held over the weekend at Nyundo grounds in Mgogoni constituency in ...
Mahindra to Open Tractor Factory in

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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago

Dewji Blog

Hospitality industry in sub-Saharan countries -The present state of the industry and current trends


Times pass but the current state of the industry cannot be compared to what it was 10 years ago since there is bigger gap between developed and developing countries.

The hospitality industry is one of the core sectors which has a major impact on the GDP growth of a country, it always produces positive trading activities and growth of the other sectors. In 2014, the tourism sector worldwide generated more than USD 7.6 trillion which is more than 10% of the total GDP, it also contributed more...


11 years ago


Kilombero fisheries under threat from rogue boatmen

Kilombero fisheries under threat from rogue boatmen
Hopes for the survival of fish in river Kilombero have dimmed following increasing cases of illegal fishing, The Guardian on Sunday can reveal. Kilombero district sits on a vast floodplain between the Kilombero River in the south-east and the ...


11 years ago


Invest in fisheries, livestock, govt told

A lawmaker has advised the government to stop granting tax exemptions for two years and use the money for investing in fishery, livestock and mining sectors.


11 years ago


EAC sets rules on fisheries products

>In a fresh bid to boost the fisheries industry, the East African Community (EAC) has come up with comprehensive guidelines designed to enhance standards and improve competitiveness.


10 years ago

Daily News

FETA toasted for boosting fisheries sector

FETA toasted for boosting fisheries sector
Daily News
THE government has commended Fisheries Education and Training Agency (FETA) - Nyegezi Campus for its dedication and support for complementing the country's fishing initiatives by providing training to young Tanzanians enabling them to employ ...


9 years ago


Bold steps towards a united fisheries management front

 The high dependency of rural communities along the coast on marine resources for their livelihoods increases the pressure on these resources and in most cases leads to the mismanagement, over-exploitation, and ultimately, the destruction of their environment.


10 years ago


LAKE ZONE: Sh40m to rescue embattled fisheries dept

>Fisheries stakeholders in Muleba District, Kagera Region, have donated Sh40 million for buying a speed boat that would be used to fight both illegal fishing and robbery in Lake Victoria.


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Enhance formal trade in EA

>East Africans have considered themselves one people from time immemorial, which is why most of the citizens of the region view the borders as superficial. A majority of border residents, more so the ordinary people, are not even conscious of their nationalities.


11 years ago

Daily News

Zanzibar, Comoro enhance ties

Daily News
Zanzibar, Comoro enhance ties
Daily News
THE governments of Zanzibar and Comoro are committed to improving bilateral relationships, especially in the area of education for the benefit of citizens of the both countries. The two countries will also work together in agriculture, tourism, culture, industry ...



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