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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Shein warns against breach of peace, GBV

Daily News
Shein warns against breach of peace, GBV
Daily News
AS Zanzibar welcomes 2015, President Ali Mohamed Shein has warned Zanzibar against breach of peace, gender-based violence (GBV) and abuse of children. In h New Year message, Dr Shein said that generally, 2014 ended well in terms of peace, ...
Dr Shein: Zanzibar serious on ending youth unemploymentIPPmedia

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Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Rev Msigwa charged with breach of peace

Chadema’s Iringa Urban parliamentary seat candidate Rev Peter Msigwa and three other people appeared at the Iringa Resident Magistrate Court Wednesday and charged with four counts including breach of peace.


10 years ago


Cites potential breach of national peace

Cites potential breach of national peace
President Kikwete addresses religious leaders and members of the diplomatic corps at a Tanzania Christian and Muslim Religious Leaders' Initiative for Peace and Co-existence meeting held in Dsm. President Jakaya Kikwete has advised diplomatic ...
Envoys warned over shady movesDaily News

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10 years ago


Warioba cautions over breach of peace towards October elections

Warioba cautions over breach of peace towards October elections
Former prime minister and (retired) Judge Joseph Warioba said as the nation was heading towards the General Election in October, this year there were indicators of breach of peace in the country. He called upon members of the Chama Cha Mapinduzi ...


9 years ago


US warns South Sudan over peace

The US warns South Sudan's leaders not to violate the peace deal signed aimed at ending a brutal civil war in the world's youngest state.


10 years ago

Daily News

Shein agitates for peace and religious tolerance

Daily News
Shein agitates for peace and religious tolerance
Daily News
PRESIDENT Ali Mohamed Shein has said that it possible to have a stable society free of conflicts, if the sue of peace and religious tolerance are given priority. In h speech at a Muslim festival held last week, Dr Shein said Muslims and non-Muslims could live ...


11 years ago

Daily News

Shein urges peace in Ramadhan message

Daily News
Shein urges peace in Ramadhan message
Daily News
ZANZIBAR President Dr Ali Mohamed Shein has called upon Tanzanians to continue maintaining peace, stability and show hospitality to visitors. “Let us join together during this time of Ramadhan to advocate peace and stability. The tourist season is also ...


11 years ago

Daily News

Dr Shein calls for peace, love in Zanzibar

Dr Shein calls for peace, love in Zanzibar
Daily News
MUSLIMS and non-Muslims in Zanzibar have been urged to coexist and love each other. The call was made here on Monday night during the celebrations of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)'s birthday. The celebrations marked at Mnazi-Mmoja ...


10 years ago


Dr Shein advocates for peace as General Election draws closer.

Dr Shein advocates for peace as General Election draws closer.
Zanzibar President Dr Ali Mohammed Shein yesterday underscored the need to strengthen peace in the country especially during this time when the nation prepares for the General Elections. Dr Shein made the statement when speaking to Chama Cha ...


10 years ago

'Safisha Ghala' Jingle Should Be Stopped In Lindi


GBV - 'Safisha Ghala' Jingle Should Be Stopped in Lindi
IT is undeniable fact that Gender Based Violence (GBV) constitutes a breach of the fundamental right to life, liberty, security, dignity, equality between women and men, non-discrimination and physical and mental integrity in Tanzania today. Such kind of ...



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