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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Simba must suspend constitution, hold polls and write a new one

Daily News
Simba must suspend constitution, hold polls and write a new one
Tension at Simba SC has continued to rise following the rejection of an appeal result from the Tanzania Football Federation (TFF), which the club electoral committee decided to ignore, a position that observers find it difficult to get to the bottom of it. If the TFF ...
Simba election officially clearedDaily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Reuters Africa

Tanzania to hold vote on new constitution, possibly after May

Tanzania to hold vote on new constitution, possibly after May
Reuters Africa
DAR ES SALAAM Oct 8 (Reuters) - Tanzania will hold a referendum on a new constitution, possibly after the electoral register is updated in May, the president said on Wednesday, following an opposition boycott of the drafting of the document and threats of ...
Tanzania court frees opposition MP on bail after protestReuters
Prosecution cites failure to verify bail documentsIPPmedia


10 years ago

Reuters Africa

Tanzania to hold referendum on new constitution in April 2015

Yahoo News UK
Tanzania to hold referendum on new constitution in April 2015
Reuters Africa
By Fumbuka Ng'wanakilala. DAR ES SALAAM (Reuters) - Tanzania will hold a referendum in April on a new constitution, its Attorney-General said on Wednesday, angering opposition parties which boycotted the drafting process and reject the draft charter.
Tanzania sets constitution referendum‏ for

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10 years ago

Daily News

TAPA to hold special council meet on new constitution

TAPA to hold special council meet on new constitution
Daily News
THE Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) parents wing, TAPA, will convene its council meeting on Saturday in Dodoma to train and educate its members on the need for a yes vote for the Proposed Constitution. TAPA national chairman, Abdallah Bulembo, said the ...


11 years ago


FOOTBALL: Simba suspend 69 members

Simba Sports Club executive committee has slapped an indefinite suspension on 69 members for taking  football matters to the court of law.


10 years ago

Daily News

... Constitution will be ready before 2015 polls

Daily News
... Constitution will be ready before 2015 polls
Daily News
THE process of writing the new Constitution shall be accomplished fully before the country goes to the general elections next year, Prime Minister Mizengo Pinda, has said. Speaking on Thursday, Mr Pinda said it was the intention of the government to ...


10 years ago


Pros and cons of boycotting polls on New Constitution

Pros and cons of boycotting polls on New Constitution
As expected, 2015 began with a bang. For, in a year in which two national polls are on the country's agenda, we simply can't have a business as usual scenario. Both the referendum on the country's new constitution and the October general election meant to ...


11 years ago

Daily News

Simba go to polls June 29

Daily News
Simba go to polls June 29
Daily News
TWO days after the Registrar of Sports Associations and Clubs approved Simba constitution, the club's Election Committee yesterday announced that the general election will now be held on June 29, this year. The club had earlier planned to hold a general ...


11 years ago

Daily News

Simba coach's fate after polls

Daily News
Simba coach's fate after polls
Daily News
THE decision on Simba coach Zdravko Logarusic's future has been placed on the hands of the club's new leadership, set to be elected in the forthcoming general elections scheduled for June 29, this year, it has been revealed. Logarusic, who took charge of ...
TFF to rule on Wambura appeal in Simba pollIPPmedia

all 3


11 years ago


Uncertainty clouds Simba polls

The prospect of Simba Sports Club holding its general election on Sunday has been thrown in limbo.



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