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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


SINGLE IN THE CITY: The common mistakes

>When it comes to dating; we have all done some really stupid mistakes. But don’t you worry about it, each one of us makes these stupid mistakes; we have all been there.


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Habari Zinazoendana

5 years ago

The African Exponent

Doctors Can Make Mistakes Too: Common Medical Malpractice You Need to be Aware of

Doctors Can Make Mistakes Too: Common Medical Malpractice You Need to be Aware of  The African Exponent


10 years ago


Ramadhan Mubarak 1436 /2015 Common Mistakes In Ramadan

Bismillahi rahman rahim
In the Name of God; the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful

Due to calculations Ramadhan will be on June 18th
Moon sighting Ramadhan will be 18th or 19th of June


Ramadhan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. It is the month during which Muslims observe fasting from morning twilight (Fajr Prayer) to the evening twilight (Maghreb Prayer).

Common Mistakes During Ramadhan

1) Focusing on food; to the extent that people begin to worry about eating more then...


11 years ago


Mbeya City should now learn from past mistakes

A section of the Tanzanian media which has for some time now made ‘sensational reporting’ part of its staple diet, on Thursday screamed that the Mbeya City soccer club had received multi million shillings in sponsorship.


10 years ago


SINGLE IN THE CITY: We go through different phases

>Have you ever wondered why men rarely marry the women they date for years?  You date a guy all the way through campus, see him through the roughest times of his life and stick with him when the world is against him then he suddenly dumps you only to marry a girl he just met 3 months ago?


9 years ago


SINGLE IN THE CITY: Need to appreciate our own culture

It’s like you’ve lost your favourite jewellery. Sofa cushions are turned inside out; dusty corners of the room are massaged for the clue that will lead you to that glint of silver. Spotting the place where the ‘Afropolitan’ girl is comfortable, where the ‘Afropolitan’ male is content in our cities is times like finding that missing jewel.


10 years ago


SINGLE IN THE CITY: Dancing in the dark

>Musing with the sounds of slow precise percussions, a lazy voice croons belying the fact that it’s on the exact strata of chord and rhythm; yeah am listening to ‘Diana Krall. Have you ever caught doubt in between your fingers and squashed it like a mosquito?


10 years ago


SINGLE IN THE CITY: We need to raise our emotional IQ

>The ‘gunia’ table tops to my left are covered with tomatoes and mangoes, an assortment of watermelons and carrots with green peppers line the right side of the ‘genge’. I’ve come by to get some fruit. It’s around 7pm in this dimly lit stall and the owner is speaking to his male buddy as I pick a mango.


10 years ago


SINGLE IN THE CITY: I Really Don’t Care

>I had never given much thought to the art of not caring until a few months ago when my mother awakened the concept in me.


11 years ago


SINGLE IN THE CITY: Settling for good enough

>Two days after a devastating breakup, I had lunch with the biological anthropologist Helen Fisher, the person who probably knows more about the science of romance and long-term love than anyone else on the planet. Our meeting wasn’t a ploy for tips on how to win him back but to discuss her latest study.



Magazeti ya Leo

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