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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Smallholders lose land to large-scale farmers: study

Large-scale agricultural investments have grave repercussions for smallholder farming in the Southern Highlands.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago



In one of my recent "ARTICLE" I raised my concern on the rise of cyber warfare not only between big countries or companies but also small companies and countries. With the new prediction stating 2015 there will be a big number of cyber espionage – We should expect African continent to be the most affected because of luck of readiness to combat cyber-attacks.

With recent report from Kaspersky Lab, Russian companies in oil, finance, military, and other sectors – as well as the country’s...


9 years ago

Dewji Blog

New $500 million initiative to boost large scale climate action in developing countries!


cop-paris-perspective-croppedPARIS, Nov. 30, 2015 – Four European countries – Germany, Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland – today announced a new $500 million initiative that will find new ways to create incentives aimed at large scale cuts in greenhouse gas emissions in developing countries to combat climate change. The World Bank Group worked with the countries to develop the initiative.

The Transformative Carbon Asset Facility will help developing countries implement their plans to cut emissions by working with them to...


11 years ago


Small-scale farmers suffer: don

>Small-scale farmers are suffering, says an academic.Dr Damian Gabagambi of the Sokoine University of Agriculture in Morogoro said 50 years after independence smallholder-farmers were far from benefiting from what they produce apart from using it as food.


11 years ago


Support small-scale farmers,urges oxfam

Oxfam Tanzania has said that there is a need to empower small-scale farmers in the country to produce enough food.


11 years ago


A home grown solution for small scale farmers

>Rural dwellers of Tanzania, especially peasants and those in the informal sectors- have reason to smile now as a home-grown solution that guarantees their social welfare has been developed.


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

New study highlights need to scale up violence prevention efforts globally


Only 15% of countries in Africa have mental health services

The Global status report on violence prevention 2014 reveals that 475 000 people were murdered in 2012, and homicide is the third leading cause of death globally for males aged 15-44 years, highlighting the urgent need for more decisive action to prevent violence.

Despite indications that homicide rates decreased by 16% globally between 2000 and 2012, violence remains widespread. Non-fatal acts of violence take a particular toll on...


5 years ago


Henry Ford Health System to conduct first large US study of hydroxychloroquine’s ability to prevent COVID-19

Henry Ford Health System to conduct first large US study of hydroxychloroquine’s ability to prevent COVID-19  TechCrunchHere's how you can send well wishes to patients, staff at Henry Ford Hospitals battling COVID-19  Click On Detroit | Local 4 | WDIVHenry Ford Health to conduct study to see if anti-malaria drug can prevent COVID-19  WXYZDetroit’s Henry Ford Health to lead first large-scale US study on drug’s effectiveness to prevent COVID-19  WDIV ClickOnDetroitDoctors at Henry Ford Health...


11 years ago


Farmers lose 20pc of produce to pests, says input supplier

 Farmers lose up to 20 per cent of grain their harvests because of poor storage, it emerged here during a capacity building workshop for stakeholders in the agriculture sector. A farm input supplier, Mr Gesso Bajuta, attributed most of the losses to attacks by pests, noting that the problem could be contained with ample supply of pesticides.


10 years ago

Daily News

Idle land for reallocation to farmers

Daily News
Idle land for reallocation to farmers
Daily News
THE ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) Secretary General, Mr Abdulrahman Kinana, has ordered for a list of undeveloped land plots for reallocation to members of the public. Speaking at a public rally on Tuesday, Mr Kinana said there has been an ...



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