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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Sokoine legacy lives on 30 yrs later

>For Ibrahim Sokoine (41), the son of the late Prime Minister Edward Moringe Sokoine, April 12th, 1984 was a normal schooling day.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Mwalimu`s legacy 16 yrs later

Mwalimu`s legacy 16 yrs later
I was, indeed we all were there amidst the throng in Uhuru Stadium, on that sultry and mildly overcast day of October, 1999 as leaders from over the world eulogized Julius Kambarage Nyerere, the father of our nation and the inspiring figure to many ...
Reflecting on Mwalimu Julius Nyerere legacyDaily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)

all 2


10 years ago


What TRA wants from you in 5 yrs

>The Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) top boss wants you, the taxpayer, to fully fund the national budget in next five years--but only on condition that the government plays its part too and reduces lavish spending, which has dominated financial discussions in the nation in the past decade.


10 years ago


How will our politics be 25 yrs later?

My students in the ‘Politics of Governance and Public Policy’ course unit of the Master’s in Research and Public Policy Programme, wanted me to predict Uganda’s political landscape 25 years from now,


10 years ago


Mtwara gas plant project to take 7 yrs

Construction of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) plant in Mtwara will take seven years from 2015, The Citizen on Saturday learnt yesterday.


10 years ago


Dar blast victims in agony 5 yrs on

Victims of the 2009 Mbagala bomb blasts yesterday gave shocking revelations of how they endured years of dillydallies in receiving their compensations and the state of their heath, four years after the incident.


9 years ago


Refugees face 20 yrs behind bars for ivory smuggling

Two Burundian refugees from Katumba refugee camp at Mlele District in Katavi Region; Stephano Jonas, 22, and Franko Hamisi, 18 were sentenced to 20 years in jail for possession of elephants tusks. 


10 years ago


60 yrs in secret Masonic world: The Master’s tale

>When the famous actor Stephen Kanumba died suddenly in April 2012, he left behind a debate among his fans—the debate on whether he was a freemason or not—thanks to the movie Freemasons in which he featured  some years before his death.


9 years ago

Capital FM Kenya (Press Release) (Blog)

Tanzania jails 4 Chinese for 20 yrs for smuggling rhino horns

Capital FM Kenya (press release) (blog)
Tanzania jails 4 Chinese for 20 yrs for smuggling rhino horns
Capital FM Kenya (press release) (blog)
The four men, identified as Song Lei, Xiao Shaodan, Chen Jianlian and Hu Liang, were arrested in the Mbeya region last month as they crossed into Tanzania from Malawi. They were sentenced on Wednesday/file. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Dec 18 – A ...


9 years ago


Tanzania: Refugees Face 20 Yrs Behind Bars for Ivory Smuggling

Tanzania: Refugees Face 20 Yrs Behind Bars for Ivory Smuggling
Two Burundian refugees from Katumba refugee camp at Mlele District in Katavi Region; Stephano Jonas, 22, and Franko Hamisi, 18 were sentenced to 20 years in jail for possession of elephants tusks. Mpanda District Court Resident Odira Amwol said that ...



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