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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Solidarity day for Egypt journalists

People in cities across the world stage protests in support of journalists from the al-Jazeera network who are being detained in Egypt.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Daily News

Journalists should uphold this solidarity

Journalists should uphold this solidarity
Daily News
A GOOD section of journalists opened a new chapter in Dar es Salaam yesterday when they gathered at Leader's Club for one particular mission. This is none other than to raise fund in support of journalists in need of medical attention. The fund raiser ...


10 years ago


The relevance of international day of solidarity in changing times

Each year on 29 November, the UN organizes an observance with events worldwide to mark The International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.


9 years ago


Egypt jails al-Jazeera journalists

Three al-Jazeera journalists convicted in Egypt of "spreading false news" are sentenced to three years in prison at their retrial in Cairo.


11 years ago


Al-Jazeera journalists held in Egypt

Three Al-Jazeera journalists are arrested in Egypt's capital Cairo for allegedly holding illegal meetings with the banned Muslim Brotherhood.


11 years ago


US urges Egypt to free journalists

The US calls on Egypt to release three al-Jazeera journalists detained by the authorities in December on charges of collaborating with "terrorists".


9 years ago

Dewji Blog

Declaration: EU HRVP Mogherini on the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists


EU High Representative Federica Mogherini.

“Media are the mirror of our societies: if they are free and critical, we are free and safe.

Nevertheless, while we mark the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, reporters in many countries across the world face an increasing level of intimidation and violence.

Attacks on journalist are not only attacks on the victims, but also on freedom of expression and freedom of the media. The EU expects State authorities to fully...


11 years ago


Egypt referendum enters second day

Egypt's constitutional referendum goes into a second day, after Tuesday saw deadly clashes involving supporters of ousted President Morsi.


11 years ago


Egypt election to run for extra day

Polling is extended on the final day of Egypt's presidential election amid reports of a light turnout, with ex-army chief Abdul Fattah al-Sisi poised to win.


10 years ago


SA march in solidarity with foreigners

South Africa is set to hold a huge protest march against xenophobia in the coastal city of Durban following a wave of attacks on foreigners.



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