Somalia PM to resign after vote
Somalia's Prime Minister, Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed, accepts a parliament vote asking him to resign which observers say is part of a political battle with the president.
Habari Zinazoendana
10 years ago
Dewji Blog17 Feb
2015 MISA’s ‘Women to Watch’: Nominate Hoyce Temu, Vote Tanzania… Vote now
Former Miss Tanzania 1999, Hoyce Temu on field during the recording of her TV talk show.
She also has her own talk show, Mimi na Tanzania (Me and Tanzania), which focuses on CSRs, fundraising, and supporting women and children through the promotion of human rights, gender equality, and access to healthcare and education.
Please nominate her on this category: “Journalists, reporters, presenters who stand out in their field”
International Women’s Day just around the corner, MISA’s is looking...
9 years ago
TheCitizen04 Oct
CROSS ROADS : Vote and vote right for our collective destiny!
10 years ago
TheCitizen03 Jun
Blatter to resign as Fifa president
11 years ago
IPPmedia23 Apr
'Lukuvi should resign over divisive remarks'
Council of Islamic Organisations spokesman Rajab Katimba (R) addresses journalists in Dar es Salaam yesterday. (Photo: Omar Fungo). Islamic institutions Organisation has called for immediate resignation of minister of State Prime Minister's Office - Policy ...
10 years ago
AllAfrica.Com23 Jan
Tanzanian Lawmakers Resign Over Graft Scandal
Three Tanzanian parliamentary committee chairpersons have resigned over their involvement in an energy sector graft scandal, Tanzania's The Citizen reported Thursday (January 22nd). Andrew Chenge of the budget committee, William Ngeleja of the legal ...
10 years ago
TheCitizen22 Jan
Three MPs resign over escrow billions bounty
10 years ago
TheCitizen20 Mar
Zitto plan to resign in Parliament fails
11 years ago
Nigeria bank chief told to resign
10 years ago
The Guardian28 Nov
Tanzanian PM under pressure to resign over alleged fraudulent payments
The Guardian
The Guardian
Allegations that Mzengo Pinda, the Tanzanian prime minster, authorised the misuse of public funds has made headlines in a country heavily reliant on development assistance. Photograph: Daniel Hayduk/AFP/Getty Images. Erick Kabendera in Dar es ...
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