
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Somalis sent back home in fear of al-Shabab

Deported Somalis living in fear of al-Shabab reprisals


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


In pictures: The Somalis fleeing home from Yemen

Images of the refugees seeking safety in Somalia


11 years ago


Kenya sends back 'illegal' Somalis

Kenya sends back 82 Somalis to Somalia after launching a massive security force operation to flush out illegal immigrants and militant Islamists.


9 years ago


Al-Shabab wants IS to back off in East Africa

Why al-Shabab baulks at an alliance with IS


11 years ago


We are happy to be back home!

>The Luhizo family is all smiles these days. The old man, his wife and daughter are back home in Tanzania after years of living in war-torn Somalia. Sixty-two-year-old Muya Omari Luhizo, his wife Mesozi and daughter Fatuma, once classified as Somalis of Bantu origin, wore broad smiles last Friday shortly after they were granted Tanzanian citizenship at Chogo settlement, 12 kilometres off Dar es Salaam-Tanga road in Handeni District.


10 years ago


Greste back home after Egypt jail

Al-Jazeera journalist Peter Greste returns to the Australian city of Brisbane to be reunited with his family, after his release from an Egyptian prison.


10 years ago


Comoros Trade Mission returns back home

The B2B  Trade Mission from Tanzania returned back from the Comoros to Dar es Salaam today, after three of focused meetings and seminar in Moroni. The mission was led by Hon Halima Dendego, the Regional Commissioner of Mtwara,  in association with Mr. Abdulsamad Abdulrahim, CEO & Director of Ocean Business Partners, in collaboration with Mr. Javed Jafferji of Gallery Tours, the Comoros Chamber of Commerce (UCCIA)  They had organized a unique 3-day focused B2B International Investment &...


10 years ago


Tanzania ebola heroine jets back home

One Tanzanian medical staff who volunteerd in fighting the Ebola outbreak in West Africa returned yesterday after 90 days of serving as medical co-ordinator in Sierra Leone, under Save the Children International.


5 years ago


LGBT: Covid-19 forced me back home where I'm 'unwanted'

'Emma' lost her job and had to move back to the village where she feels 'misunderstood'.


10 years ago

Daily News

Families of terrorism suspects want clerics brought back home

Families of terrorism suspects want clerics brought back home
Daily News
FAMILIES of Muslim clerics being held in Dar es Salaam in connection to crimes linked with terrorism, are asking the Zanzibar Commissioner of Police and Deputy Director of Criminal Investigation- DCI to bring the accused back home or be freed (habeas ...



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