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SPECIAL REPORT: Germany, France push for fair global climate deal in Paris

In December 2015, all roads will lead to the French capital, Paris, for the 21st Conference of Parties (COP21), where a climate deal is expected to be clinched, heading off a repeat of the failed Copenhagen climate change conference in 2009.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago

Dewji Blog

Africa’s climate action pledges show commitment to a fair and binding deal in Paris!

pacjaMithika Mwenda, Secretary General of the Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA) 

Press Statement
Africa’s climate action pledges show commitment to a fair and binding deal in Paris

Mithika Mwenda, Secretary General of the Pan African Climate Justice Alliance says:

“As of October 1, 47 out of 54 African countries have submitted their national plans for the UN climate deal (INDCs.) Africa’s vast and environmentally diverse landscape and coastal areas mean that each of its...


9 years ago


Euphoria as key Paris climate deal okayed

Cheering envoys from 195 nations on Saturday approved a historic accord in Paris to stop global warming, offering hope that humanity can avert catastrophic climate change and usher in an energy revolution.


10 years ago


Tone set for global climate change dialogue in Paris

Berlin. The 6th Petersberg Dialogue, an informal meeting of ministers and representatives from 35 countries in preparation for the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris in December, opened here yesterday.


9 years ago


A CHAT FROM LONDON: Climate change ‘threshold’ and Paris global meeting

Threshold. A word I did not quite know, until very recently.I kept hearing politicians saying threshold, threshold, threshold. Threshold this, threshold that.


10 years ago


SPECIAL REPORT: WHO seeks global partnership for curbing preventable diseases

>As Tanzania joins the rest of the world in marking the World Immunisation Week that reaches its climax this Thursday, the World Health Organisation (Who) is calling for renewed global collaboration in dealing with diseases.


11 years ago


BRAZIL 2014: Anxiety as France, Germany clash

France-Germany would be a worthy final of any World Cup, the reason why the ticket to Rio de Janeiro’s Maracana stadium is the hottest property.


9 years ago


Air France: Abiria 2 wakamatwa Paris

Polisi nchini Ufaransa wamewatia mbaroni mume na mkewe waliokuwa wakisafiri katika ndege ya Air France iliyolazimika kutua kwa dharura nchini Kenya kufuatia tishio la bomu


10 years ago


Chelsea Paris St Germany dimbani leo UEFA

Chelsea itashuka katika dimba lake la Stamford Bridge kuwakaribisha Paris St Germany katika mchezo wa klabu bigwa ulaya.


9 years ago


Paris needs to take the ‘climate’ out of ‘climate Aid’, which is nothing new

One of the things we’re hearing more and more about here in Paris is so-called “climate aid”. There has been a huge push from climate NGOs to convince rich countries to spend a fortune to help poor countries adjust to global warming.



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