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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Special secondary schools for the dea f needed

Special secondary schools for the dea f needed
Daily News
EFORTS should be made to make sure that deaf students in the country are enrolled in their own special secondary schools to boost their academic performance. The move has been advocated by several education stakeholders here, who include tutors and ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


LAKE ZONE: Mwanza gets 212 places in special secondary schools

>Mwanza Region has been given 212 places in ‘special secondary schools’ following the region’s impressive performance in 2014 Standard Seven exams.


10 years ago


KATIBA REVIEW SPECIAL: Special education fund needed

>Today every Tanzanian knows that education for his or her child is not a privilege, but a right, which must be given to the child without any excuses. Both the current Constitution and the Law of the Child recognise this right. Fortunately enough, even the proposed Constitution has made this right clearer than ever in Article 52. Governments of all phases since independence have been doing reasonably well in expanding educational facilities for all levels of education to ensure Tanzanian...


10 years ago


Govt must ensure 'special' schools are indeed special

Govt must ensure 'special' schools are indeed special
Several years ago the government established what it called 'special schools' for bright students who were enrolled to pursue secondary school education. Such were Mzumbe in Morogoro, Ilboru in Arusha, Mirambo in Tabora and Msalato in Dodoma, ...


10 years ago


Ward secondary schools excel in exams

Ward secondary schools excel in exams- ministry
Daily News
THE Ministry of Education and Vocational Training has said that ward secondary schools are excelling in national examinations, contrary to popular beliefs that they are underperforming. Contributing to the debate on the ministry's budget, Deputy Minister for ...


10 years ago

Daily News

State to continue supporting secondary schools

State to continue supporting secondary schools
Daily News
THE government has expressed its commitment to continue implementing the programme for providing capital grants to all secondary schools in the country at the rate of 25,000/- per each student. Deputy Minister of State in the Prime Minister's Office ...


11 years ago

Daily News

223 fail to enrol in secondary schools in Siha

223 fail to enrol in secondary schools in Siha
Daily News
PARENTS and guardians of 223 students who were selected to start secondary education in Siha District, Kilimanjaro Region, but have not enrolled so far could face legal action. Siha District Executive Director (DED), Mr Rashid Kitambulio said yesterday that ...


10 years ago

Stabroek News

Ministry moves to boost TVET in secondary schools

Ministry moves to boost TVET in secondary schools
Stabroek News
Professionals in the educational system, workers and employers were made aware of the importance of TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) in secondary schools as the Ministry of Education held a symposium at the Millennium Manor ...
AfDB, Government of Tanzania launch US $57 million in support to Technical

all 2


11 years ago

Daily News

Bukoba mulls building two modern secondary schools

Bukoba mulls building two modern secondary schools
Daily News
BUKOBA District Council has set aside a total of 632.2m/- for construction of two modern secondary schools in Kemondo ad Nyakibimbili Wards. Bukoba District Executive Director, Ms Graides Ndyamvunye, named the two schools as Bujunangoma, which ...


11 years ago


District leaders demanding bigger budgets for secondary schools

District leaders demanding bigger budgets for secondary schools
Funding and other resources must be increased if ward secondary schools are to improve their performance in national examinations and produce competent graduates. The consensus was reached by Kilimanjaro region's Rombo District Education Board ...



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