
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


State borrowing will continue

State borrowing will continue - Malima
Daily News
THE government will continue borrowing in order to implement development projects in the country, the Deputy Minister for Finance, Mr Adam Malima, told the National Assembly here. Mr Malima told the House that the government will not stop borrowing ...


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Daily News

State to continue supporting secondary schools

State to continue supporting secondary schools
Daily News
THE government has expressed its commitment to continue implementing the programme for providing capital grants to all secondary schools in the country at the rate of 25,000/- per each student. Deputy Minister of State in the Prime Minister's Office ...


9 years ago


Govt should restrain from over -borrowing

Investors are snapping up short-term Treasury bills (T-bills) after months of apathy. That means the government is increasingly borrowing funds locally.


11 years ago

Daily News

Sobriety must prevail in borrowing

Sobriety must prevail in borrowing
Daily News
THE marathon National Assembly session kicks off in Dodoma today and its main business will be to deliberate on the government's budget for the 2014/2015 fiscal year. Finance Minister Ms Saada Mkuya Salum said in Dar es Salaam last week, that the ...


9 years ago


Overnight borrowing cost falls

Interbank rate fell to 4.40 per cent on Tuesday from 20 per cent early this month


9 years ago


Borrowing cost falls slightly

BoT figures show lending rates fell in June to 6.07 per cent from 6.10 per cent in May


10 years ago


Stop borrowing, develop a culture of saving

Our nation has been going bonkers with borrowing left, right and centre. In July 2013, the government external debt stock reached 39.9 per cent of the country’s national income or Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This was equal to $12.5 billion.


11 years ago


IMF warns Dar over borrowing spree

Amid reports that the State has been borrowing heavily in recent years to finance its operations, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) yesterday warned the government on the dangers of this tendency.


11 years ago


Let Bunge check govt borrowing: call

>Tanzania Coalition of Debts and Development (TCDD) wants the Parliament to be empowered so that it can intervene whenever the government wants to borrow.


10 years ago


'Most govt projects still heavily dependent on borrowing'

'Most govt projects still heavily dependent on borrowing'
Borrowing remains the government's central funding option to finance development projects, Finance Deputy Minister Adam Malima said yesterday. Addressing the National Assembly in Dodoma, the deputy minister said the government will not stop ...
State borrowing will continue - MalimaDaily News

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