
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Stop charging teachers residing in public houses

Stop charging teachers residing in public houses - Minister
Daily News
ALL district councils in the country which are forcing teachers to pay for public houses they are residing have been directed to stop it immediately as it is against the law. The Deputy Minister for Regional Administration and Local Government in charge of ...


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Teachers in public houses exempted from rent

Teachers in public houses exempted from rent
The government yesterday directed all district councils not to charge rent to teachers living in public houses and teachers whose salaries were deducted to cover rent payment are to be reimbursed. The Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister s Office, Regional ...


11 years ago

Daily News

New teachers' houses in pipeline

Daily News
New teachers' houses in pipeline
Daily News
THE government has set aside 20bn/- for construction of teachers' residential houses in 40 municipalities countrywide. Answering a question from Lolesia Bukwimba (CCM-Busanda), who wanted to know the measures being taken to address the acute ...


11 years ago


Land Tribunals Asked to Stop Charging Residents

Land Tribunals Asked to Stop Charging Residents
Dodoma — WARD, land and housing tribunals were on Friday warned against charging people, as the courts get annual allocations for operations, building renovation and procurement of furniture. Deputy Minister of State in the Prime Minister's Office (Local ...


11 years ago

Daily News

Kibaha district short of 285 teachers' houses

Kibaha district short of 285 teachers' houses
Daily News
THE Primary School Education department in Kibaha District, Coast Region, is facing several challenges including shortage of teachers' houses, desks as well pupils' toilets, it has been learnt. This was said at a council meeting held at Mlandizi in Mlandizi ...


11 years ago

Daily News

Retired officials ordered out of public houses

Retired officials ordered out of public houses
Daily News
THE Zanzibar government will soon apply force to evict former senior officers from its houses should they continue being reluctant to leave. “We have asked former leaders who are still living in government buildings to leave. We have been patient for long, we ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Centre offers 250 acres for public servants' houses

Centre offers 250 acres for public servants' houses
Daily News
WATUMISHI Housing Company (WHC) and Kibaha Education Centre (KEC) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) under which the centre will allocate 250 acres for the construction of houses for public servants. WHC Managing Director, Mr Fred ...


10 years ago


Stop harassing teachers

Management by irrational directives may be the most apt phrase to define executives who intimidate subordinates, believing that by so doing, performance in organisations will improve.


10 years ago

Daily News

Shortage of teachers a challenge for public schools

Shortage of teachers a challenge for public schools
Daily News
CONDUCIVE teaching and learning environments have been listed as the ingredients behind the success of the top ten schools in the last national primary school leaving examinations. HakiElimu acting Executive Director, Mr Bonaventure Geoffrey, told the ...


10 years ago


Stop public funds looting

The report of the task force appointed by former Transport minister Harrison Mwakyembe to look into the procurement of 25 freight wagons worth Sh230 billion is out.



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