
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Strategy for assessing Dar’s human rights status coming

>Local human rights defenders plan to come up with a joint national monitoring strategy for assessing the government performance in the implementation of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) mechanism on human rights.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Dar’s local content strategy for gas sub-sector coming

Dar es Salaam. The government is set to prepare the National Local Content Strategy before the end of this year for guiding investors on how Tanzanians have to benefit from booming investments in the gas sector.


10 years ago


UN Hails Dar for Protecting Human Rights

UN Hails Dar for Protecting Human Rights
TANZANIA has been commended by the United Nations for its initiatives to promote and protect human rights. UN Resident Coordinator, Mr Alvaro Rodriguez said in Dar es Salaam during commemoration of the International Human Rights Day which is ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Human rights body trumps civil rights, governance knowledge

Human rights body trumps civil rights, governance knowledge
Daily News
THERE is an urgent need to formulate and lay down principles and guidelines to further strengthen the criminal justice system in the country with regard to arrest, police custody and pre-trial detention to ensure compliance with International standards.


10 years ago

Daily News

Law for elders' rights coming soon

Law for elders' rights coming soon
Daily News
THE government is expecting to table in Parliament in the next financial year a bill for a law governing elders' rights, it was said here. Deputy Minister of State in the Prime Minister's Office (Regional Administration and Local Government),Mr Kassim Majaliwa ...


11 years ago


Role of human rights in Katiba

 Democracy as a normative framework requires constitution builders to support and guarantee civil and political rights. Since rights are indivisible, there are many rights recognised as economic, social, cultural or collective whose recognition completes political rights and makes it possible to realise them.


11 years ago


Defining human rights culture

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948 states in paragraph 1 of its Preamble that recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.


11 years ago


Building human rights culture

There are several reasons for building human rights into a constitution; they indicate restrictions on government power, are a building block for democracy, establish a foundation for building a human rights culture, and are integral to the legitimacy of the Constitution. A human rights culture gives space to individuals and groups to organise and aggregate their interests.


9 years ago


Human rights our critical virtue: VP

The government has reiterated its unflinching resolve to  sustain the battle against embezzlement of public funds.


9 years ago


JK: I’ve done a lot to protect human rights

President Jakaya Kikwete yesterday bid farewell to employees of the Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance (CHRGG) expressing optimism that his administration had done a great job in protecting people’s rights.



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