Street Talk
Street Talk - Just When Will Arusha Children Get Their Rights?
In the exercise of the powers of management, a village council has power to enter into an agreement with other village council or village councils concerning the use by any one or more groups of persons, of land traditionally used by those groups, being the ...
Just When Will Arusha Children Get Their Rights?
Habari Zinazoendana
11 years ago
TheCitizen08 Aug
London street talk, ice cream and Palestinian babies
Interesting crossroads. Surrounded by traffic lights, shops, banks, and an open and busy bakery.Â
11 years ago
Bodies burnt in street in CAR
A Christian mob in the Central African Republic kills and burns two Muslims in the street, a day before MPs choose an interim president.
9 years ago
10 years ago
Dewji Blog09 May
10 years ago
TheCitizen18 Feb
Dodoma street children plight
>Poor parenting, divorce and economic hardships have forced many children here to engage in petty businesses and other money-making ventures in order to earn their daily bread and even school fees.
10 years ago
ABC News22 May
Street Battles Erupt in Burundi
ABC News
ABC News
Burundian refugees are transported aboard the MV Liemba passenger cargo, May 21, 2015, in the fishing village of Kagunga, Tanzania. UNHCR is transporting approximately 2,000 refugees per day to a transit camp at the stadium in Kigoma, Tanzania.
Cholera outbreak hits 3000 Burundi refugees - UNBBC News
Cholera Kills Burundian Refugees in TanzaniaVoice of America
3 000 Burundi refugees hit by choleraIndependent Online
Deutsche Welle -Reuters...
11 years ago
TheCitizen27 Mar
TZ street soccer team off to Brazil
The Tanzanian street soccer team departs for Rio de Janeiro, Brazil where they will compete in the Homeless World Cup kicking off tomorrow.
10 years ago
Schoolboy killed by street sign
A boy from Lesotho has died after his face was sliced off by a street sign as he was looking out of a bus window while on a school trip in South Africa.
10 years ago
IPPmedia23 Aug
Why street children problem persists
Rapid increase of the number of street children is due to non-implementation of the children's rights, which in turn is because of community members being unaware of these rights, an expert said. Dominick Balama, representing Tuseme Children ...
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Tanzania Today
Today Breaking News,Tanzania World News
13-February-2025 in Tanzania