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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Strengthen multiparty politics, inclusion now

This year the International Day of Democracy is tomorrow. It comes at a momentous time for Tanzania, which has clocked 22 years since the introduction of multi-party politics and embarked on the new constitution process as it looks ahead to the 2015 General Election.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


POLITICS : Nyerere took us from one party to multiparty politics

A little more than 16 years have passed like so much water under the bridge since the founder of Tanzanian nationalism and iconic Satte President, Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere (1922-99), perforce went to his maker on Octobeer 14, 1999 – leaving Tanzanians distressed, forlorn and near-distraught.


10 years ago


Multiparty politics kills service delivery

>Minister Without Portfolio in charge of political mobilisation Richard Todwong has said it was wrong to extend multiparty politics to districts because it works against service delivery.


10 years ago


Rights group advocates inclusion of marginalised groups in politics.

Rights group advocates inclusion of marginalised groups in politics.
Political parties should ensure that they create special strategies to increase number of women, young people and those with disabilities in political contests, they have been told. The advice was made recently by the Tanzania Media Women's Association ...
TAMWA hails Bilal over financial supportDaily News

all 4


11 years ago

Daily News

Multiparty has enhanced democracy growth, says JK

Daily News
Multiparty has enhanced democracy growth, says JK
Daily News
PRESIDENT Jakaya Kikwete is pleased with the multi-party system that Tanzania adopted in 1992, saying that the arrangement has enhanced growth of democracy and extended political horizon in the country. However, the president was explicit on the ...


11 years ago


Financial inclusion up

Between 2009 and 2013 the numbers of adults who were totally excluded from the financial system in Tanzania almost halved: from 11.7m to 6.6m in four years


11 years ago

Huffington Post

"Karibu:" Inclusion in a Word

Irish Times
"Karibu:" Inclusion in a Word
Huffington Post
The greatest challenge of my latest trip to Zanzibar, was balancing my enthusiasm for exploring the island and meeting new people, with my need to protect my safety. Though I come from East Africa, and had traveled to Zanzibar briefly a few times previously, ...
Weekend in ... ZanzibarIrish Times

all 3


9 years ago


Vicobas push up financial inclusion

The government, through the National Economic Empowerment Council (NEEC), is in talks with various commercial banks with a view to see how they can issue loans to Village Community Banks (Vicobas) in a deliberate economic empowerment effort.


10 years ago


TZ climate for financial inclusion ‘good’

Tanzania has the most conducive conditions for expanding access to financial services for the under-served populations in Sub-Saharan Africa, a new study has established.


11 years ago


Digital payment ideal for financial inclusion

>INTERVIEW. The United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) has a project called Better Than Cash Alliance (BTCA) that advocates for electronic payment systems in developing countries. The project’s government and corporate relations specialist, Mr Tidhar Wald, visited Tanzania to engage the government in various issues. BusinessWeek Reporter Alawi Masare spoke with him



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