
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Success : Looking beyond the scope of one’s expertise

It’s now about one year since Mr Emmanuel Bujiku, a pharmacist in Dar es Salaam made a hard decision to quit his job at a private hospital. And since then, he has not looked back.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Anti-poaching campaigner widens scope

A Tanzanian tourism and conservation campaigner is to take the war against poaching to the US as part of efforts to sensitise the international community on the dangers of ivory trade to fragile economies.


10 years ago


Girls' Education Widens Scope for Future Opportunities

Girls' Education Widens Scope for Future Opportunities
SOME nineteen years ago, Dr Emmanuel Malangalila, a medical doctor, had a wish he wanted to accomplish. He had a dream of establishing a girls' secondary school in Dar es Salaam. He involved his close partner in life, his wife, Mrs Octavina Malangalila ...


11 years ago



I wrote in my previous post cited from "GN MAGAZINE" showing the rise of demand of cybersecurity expertise. Some of the largest U.S. companies are looking to hire cybersecurity experts in newly elevated positions and bring technologists on to their boards, a sign that corporate America is increasingly worried about hacking threats.

JPMorgan Chase & Co, PepsiCo Inc, Cardinal Health Inc, Deere & Co and The United Services Automobile Association (USAA) are among the Fortune 500 companies...


11 years ago

East African Business Week

Israel offers Tanzania taxation expertise

Israel offers Tanzania taxation expertise
East African Business Week
DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania – Israel has invited Tanzania to share experience on the taxation system for the oil and gas sector. Israel said, they have a vast experience in how to collect tax and share the nation's wealth between the investors and government.
Boards, committees vital for good governance in education institutionsIPPmedia

all 4


10 years ago

The Hindu

India offers Tanzania expertise in natural gas sector

The Hindu
India offers Tanzania expertise in natural gas sector
The Hindu
India on Friday offered its expertise to Tanzania in development of its potentially rich natural gas sector and decided to extend e-tourist visa to people of the African nation even as the two countries signed eight MoUs to expand engagements in diverse areas.
India, Tanzania to fight terrorism, boost gas explorationBusiness Standard
PM asks Tanzania to open up for more investment from IndiaThe Dollar Business


5 years ago

The Citizen Daily

Muhimbili to perform kidney transplants without relying on external expertise

Muhimbili to perform kidney transplants without relying on external expertise  The Citizen Daily


10 years ago

Poaching Drive Commendable But . . .

Success of Anti

Success of Anti-Poaching Drive Commendable but . . .
POACHING has been a thorn in the flesh, not only for Tanzania, but the world as a whole as it threatens wildlife with extinction. It remains an open secret that the government has been in the forefront in fighting this social anomaly that affects wildlife rich areas ...


11 years ago


Are you hindering your success?

Unless you make a deliberate effort to address them, there are things about you as a woman that will stand in the way of your growth. It sure happens, and here are the ways in which you could be personally doing the harm to yourself.


11 years ago


Is TZ planning for future success?

The Columbian coach, Jose Pekerman, was spot on when he told the international media that the quarter final match between his team and Brazil blocked the two teams’ stars from displaying their abilities in the game.



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