Sudan: 20 Cases Of Cholera Confirmed Among Burundian Refugees In Tanzani
Leadership NewspapersSudan: 20 Cases Of Cholera Confirmed Among Burundian Refugees In Tanzani
Leadership Newspapers
International charity organisation Oxfam on Wednesday said 20 cases of cholera have been confirmed in Kagunga and Nyarugusu refugee camps in Tanzania, where new arrivals from Burundi are being transported. It also warned that overcrowding, lack of ...
As cholera confirmed among Burnundian refugees in Tanzania, Oxfam delivers
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Leadership Newspapers
Habari Zinazoendana
10 years ago
Salon22 May
Cholera infects 3000 Burundian refugees; UN call for help
Channel News Asia
KAMPALA, Uganda (AP) — The U.N. refugee agency says an outbreak of cholera has infected 3,000 people in a Tanzanian border region where refugees from Burundi have massed. UNHCR says 300 to 400 new cases are being reported daily. At least 31 ...
Cholera strikes 3000 Burundi refugees in Tanzania: UNYahoo News
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10 years ago
Deutsche Welle23 May
Burundian refugees face cholera threat in Tanzania
Deutsche Welle
Deutsche Welle
The UN refugee agency UNHCR says an outbreak of cholera has infected 3,000 people in a Tanzanian border region, where the population has increased dramatically due to an influx of refugees from Burundi. Refugees from Burundi at a makeshift clinic.
Cholera outbreak hits 3000 Burundi refugees - UNBBC News
Cholera hits 3000 Burundi refugees in Tanzania - UNReuters
Street Battles Erupt in BurundiABC News
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10 years ago
AFKInsider18 Oct
Tanzania Gives Citizenship To 162000 Burundian Refugees
The UN refugee agency has welcomed Tanzania's decision to grant citizenship to 162,156 former Burundian refugees, marking the largest group in UNHCR's history to which naturalisation has been offered by a country of first asylum as a solution to decades ...
9 years ago
TheCitizen24 Nov
Aid agencies up in arms over Burundian refugees
11 years ago
Daily News31 May
More than 162000 Burundian refugees granted Tanzanian citizenship
Daily News
Daily News
THE Ministry of Home Affairs has so far granted citizenship to 162,156 Burundi refugees out of 172,000 requests received in 2010. Responding to Fakharia Khamis (Special Seat-CCM) question on the number of Burundi refugees granted Tanzania citizenship ...
10 years ago
AllAfrica.Com01 Jun
EALA MPs in Rwanda to Assess Situation of Burundian Refugees
Members of the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) have today started on a three-day country tour specifically aimed at taking in the status of Burundi refugees in Rwanda as the regional assembly moves to seek the appropriate intervention. This comes ...
9 years ago
AllAfrica.Com08 Oct
Tanzania Opens New Camps for Burundian Refugees to Ease Conditions in ...
Today, UNHCR started the relocation of 50,000 Burundian refugees to two camps in North West Tanzania, which the government has reopened to ease the suffering of tens of thousands of people in the crowded Nyarugusu camp. Following lengthy ...
10 years ago
Burundian refugees in Tanzania predicted to reach 250,000
Since the beginning of June approximately 250 new arrivals were recorded in Kigoma, the western region of Tanzania each day, but over the last week...
9 years ago
Thomson Reuters Foundation12 Dec
International Medical Corps Responds to Plight of Burundian Refugees in Tanzania
Thomson Reuters Foundation
Any views expressed in this article are those of the author and not of Thomson Reuters Foundation. International Medical Corps is deploying experts to Tanzania, where more than 117,800 Burundian refugees have fled following escalating violence.