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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Sumbawanga village leaders given ultimatum

Sumbawanga village leaders given ultimatum
Daily News
SUMBAWANGA District Council Executive Director has issued a two-week ultimatum to Village Executive Officials in the district to ensure that all Primary Schools in their respective areas are providing meals to pupils, short of which they will face disciplinary ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Anudo is Tanzanian: village leaders

The Masinono Village authorities in Butiama District have confirmed that Mr Anudo Ochieng Anudo, who has been declared a prohibited immigrant (PI) in Tanzania, was born at the village.


11 years ago


Village leaders hide ‘elderly’ killers: DC

District Commissioner Benson Mpesya has blamed village leaders in Kahama for the ongoing brutal killings of elderly persons, particularly women, on superstitious beliefs and other family conflicts.


10 years ago


Hats, batons, walking sticks: soft features of leaders leaders op political leaders

Minus Nigeria’s Goodluck Jonathan, whose presidential luck run out after losing an election to Muhammad Buhari a little over four months ago, Africa has two reigning, hat-wearing heads of state.


11 years ago


Kenya given ultimatum over debt

>The government has been given until Monday to pay Ksh924 million owed to First Mercantile Securities for a contract related to Anglo Leasing


10 years ago


Simba’s Phiri given ultimatum

Pressure is mounting on Zambian technician Patrick Phiri in Dar es Salaam’s Simba Sports Club as the side’s leadership gave him the ultimatum of winning the next two matches in the on going Tanzania Mainland Premier League, failure of which his contract could be terminated.


11 years ago


JK gives ultimatum on workers’ councils

>President Jakaya Kikwete has directed all ministries and government institutions to ensure that workers’ councils are established to meet a legal obligation in public service.


11 years ago


Museveni under stern ultimatum on reforms

Opposition political parties warned yesterday that President Museveni will “bear the consequences” if the government does not by April respond to their proposal for at least 10 electoral reforms put forward to guarantee free polls in 2016.


10 years ago


48hrs ultimatum over missing cars

>Tanzania Trade Development Authority (Tantrade) was yesterday given 48 hours to produce ownership documents for 11 vehicles whose whereabouts remain a mystery.


10 years ago


Arusha Gets Ultimatum On School Labs

Arusha Gets Ultimatum On School Labs
Arusha — THE Deputy Minister of State in the Prime Minister's Office for Regional Administration and Local Government, Mr Aggrey Mwanri, has given all City, Municipal and District Directors in Arusha Region up to June, this year, to either accomplish the ...



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