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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


TALKING GENDER: I want a prayerful woman

>The woman I prefer? She should take religion extremely serious because that is the foundation of the whole moral fibre on which the entire marriage and family runs. It determines how she deals with day-to-day situations, corrects and disciplines the children, and tolerates hurdles and hardships. without a religious aspect to a woman, that is a loose canon, a ticking time bomb.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


TALKING GENDER: Maid in the master bedroom

It is a point of contention among women whether the maid should clean the master bedroom. What do the men think?


10 years ago


TALKING GENDER: Things I will stop doing in 2015

>Unless someone can figure out a way to not only restore my virginity but basically erase every memory of the epic blunders that have been my dating life, I do not think this serial dater can start afresh.


10 years ago


INSIGHT: Gender equity needed to mitigate gender violence

>From November 25 to December 10 every year, gender and human rights activists across the world participate in 16 days of activism against gender-based violence directed especially towards women and girls.


10 years ago


Talking is well and good, but let’s take action now

The Communications, Science and Technology minister, Prof Makame Mbarawa, made an interesting and heartening statement on Tuesday.


5 years ago


This is how you do that Zoom background thing everyone is talking about

This is how you do that Zoom background thing everyone is talking about  CNETView Full coverage on Google News


9 years ago


Why contestants should be talking about real estate

“A politician needs the ability to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year. And to have the ability afterwards to explain why it didn’t happen”


10 years ago


PARENTING : Talking to your child about sex

During the early grade-school years, children’s natural interest in their own bodies starts to give way — at least some of the time — to an increasingly compelling interest in their social world. They’re busy trying to make and keep friends and develop their social and physical skills on the playground and ball field. Their interest in sex at this age can vary widely.


10 years ago


Handling a child who is talking back

Ask your preschooler to clear his train set off the kitchen table so you can serve dinner and he retorts, “No way!” Does this display of attitude mean you’re in for years of sassing?


10 years ago

Financial Times

What candidates aren't talking about Simon Kuper

Financial Times
What candidates aren't talking about Simon Kuper
Financial Times
When future historians review today's British and American election campaigns, they may marvel at what we didn't talk about. The two campaigns — which have hit full speed simultaneously even though the US votes 18 months after Britain — omit some pretty ...
Tanzania needs live TV debate on General ElectionsIPPmedia

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