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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Tanzania: a history of troubled elections

New Vision
Tanzania: a history of troubled elections
New Vision
Tanzanians celebrate after the ruling party Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) candidate John Magufuli was named president-elect by the National Electoral Commission in Dar es Salaam, on Thursday. AFP Photo ...
In Africa, incumbents continue to wield power to stay in officeThe Globe and Mail
Peaceful elections? The people have shown the way!Daily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)
'Democracy at stake in Zanzibar'The News...

New Vision

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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago

The Guardian

Tanzania elections: voting opens in tightest race in country's history

The Guardian
Tanzania elections: voting opens in tightest race in country's history
The Guardian
Supporters of Edward Lowassa, who defected to the opposition Chadema, attend a rally in Dar es Salaam ahead of Sunday's presidential and parliamentary elections in the east African country. Photograph: Khalfan Said/AP. Agence France-Presse in Dar es ...
Tanzanians decideIPPmedia
Tanzania votes in tight presidential and general
Tanzania Votes in Closely Contested ElectionWall...


10 years ago

The Guardian

What we can learn from Tanzania's hidden socialist history

The Guardian
What we can learn from Tanzania's hidden socialist history
The Guardian
Former Tanzanian president Julius Nyerere with Nelson Mandela in 1996. He died in 1999. Photograph: Adil Bradlow/AP. Thursday 11 December 2014 05.29 EST. Share on Facebook · Share on Twitter · Share via Email · Share on LinkedIn · Share on ...


9 years ago

Global Voices Online

Watch Out For the Most Tightly Contested Election in Tanzania's History

Global Voices Online
Watch Out For the Most Tightly Contested Election in Tanzania's History
Global Voices Online
Former Tanzanian Prime Minister and main opposition presidential candidate Edward Lowassa. Photo by TZA One and released under Creative Commons. Tanzania's October 25 General Election will be the most tightly contested election in the country's ...


10 years ago


History is made in Tanzania with two women among the five potential candidates ...

History is made in Tanzania with two women among the five potential candidates ...
Tanzania's ruling party, Chama Cha Mapinduzi, has narrowed its choice of presidential nominee for the upcoming October elections down to five names including two women. Kikao cha KAMATI KUU (CC) kimekamilika na kufanikiwa kuwateua wagombea ...
CCM picks five contendersDaily News

all 2


10 years ago


Grim history repeats itself as Burundians back in Tanzania

Grim history repeats itself as Burundians back in Tanzania
Burundians who fled their country, wait to be registered as refugees at Nyarugusu camp, in north west of Tanzania. (Stephanie Aglietti, AFP). Multimedia · User Galleries · News in Pictures Send us your pictures · Send us your stories ...


9 years ago


Tanzania votes in closest presidential election race in the country's history

Tanzania votes in closest presidential election race in the country's history
Tanzanians voted in presidential and general elections on Sunday in what has been billed as the closest race in the country's history, with the governing party facing the first major challenge to its dominance in decades. Polling in East Africa's most ...
Polls open in landmark Tanzania electionMail & Guardian Online
Tanzania's ruling party looks set for poll win, opposition cries foulNews24


9 years ago

Dewji Blog

UN Tanzania statement on Tanzania General Elections


UN Resident Coordinator, Alvaro Rodriguez.

Dar es Salaam, 29 October 2015: The United Nations is following very closely the Tanzanian general elections of 25 October and congratulates the president elect. We congratulate Tanzanians for exercising their democratic rights in a peaceful manner. We take note of the international observers statement (Commonwealth, AU, SADC and EU) of today that indicates they are pleased that the voting and counting took place in an environment of...


11 years ago


What next for Zimbabwe’s troubled opposition?

Bitter infighting within Zimbabwe’s opposition risks fatally weakening President Robert Mugabe’s political foes just as the sun has begun to set on his 33-year rule.


10 years ago


Discrimination rife in troubled Sudan

Sudan is still failing to embrace its ethnic and religious diversity



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