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Tanzania leads in new jobs

East African Business Week
Tanzania leads in new jobs
East African Business Week
ENTERPRISE: BRAC Tanzania gave Jackline Chikusa (in green) some business basics then she started her own salon a couple of years ago. COURTESY PICTURE. ARUSHA, Tanzania - Tanzania is apparently ahead of other East African Community (EAC) ...

East African Business Week

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Tanzania leads EA in job creation

Tanzania is ahead of fellow partner states in the East African Community (EAC) bloc in employment creation rate, it emerged during the EA Youth Conference which ended here yesterday.


10 years ago



HEAD OF PERSONAL BANKINGQualifications: Bachelors/Masters degree in relevant professional qualification in banking and Accounting or Finance from a reputable institutionApply: Daily News Febr 04,2015Deadline: February  10,  2015
HEAD OF OPERATIONS AND SERVICE DELIVERYQualifications: Bachelors/Masters degree in relevant professional qualification in banking and Accounting or Finance from a reputable institutionApply:...


10 years ago


Tanzania leads region in investment inflows

Dar es Salaam. Growth of 0.5 per cent in inflows helped Tanzania maintain its position as the leading destination for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in East Africa last year. And East Africa’s second largest economy appears set for even better times, a new report shows.


10 years ago

Daily News

Tanzania leads Africa in financial inclusion

Capital FM Kenya
Tanzania leads Africa in financial inclusion
Daily News
TANZANIA the first country in Sub-Saharan Africa and ninth globally for demonstrating most conducive environments for financial inclusion, according to the new Global Microscope 2014 by The Economt Intelligence Unit. The new study released th month ...
The Ministry of EAC to begin an exercise of fast tracking the integration processRwanda News Agency (registration)
EAC advocates equal trade playing
EAC Tax...


11 years ago


SMEs central to creation of jobs, wealth in Tanzania

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are generally acknowledged as having the potential for job and wealth creation in any economy. Hence, interest in their development continues to be at the forefront in policy debates across Tanzania.


9 years ago


Tanzania: Jobs At Stake in JPM Parastatal Purge

Tanzania: Jobs At Stake in JPM Parastatal Purge
Dar es Salaam — Jobs in public agencies and parastatals are at stake following far-reaching reforms targeting the non-performing public corporations. The government unveiled yesterday a raft of measures to end subsidies paid to sustain public bodies.


10 years ago

Lusaka Times

Chikwanda leads Zambian delagation at TAZARA meeting as Tanzania wants ...

Lusaka Times
Chikwanda leads Zambian delagation at TAZARA meeting as Tanzania wants ...
Lusaka Times
MINISTER of Finance Alexander Chikwanda is leading a Zambian delegation at the 61st TAZARA council of ministers meeting in Dar es Salaam. And the Tanzania Parliamentary Committee on Infrastructure has asked its government to review the law ...


10 years ago


Tanzania to ban public officials from holding private sector jobs

Tanzania to ban public officials from holding private sector jobs
DAR ES SALAAM (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - In response to a growing outcry over corruption and abuse of office, Tanzania is working on a new law to ban elected leaders and civil servants from using their position to build business empires and enrich ...
TRF-Tanzania to ban public officials from holding private sector jobsReuters Africa

all 7


9 years ago

Voice Of America

Tanzania Poll Shows Ruling Party Candidate Leads Presidential Contest

Voice of America
Tanzania Poll Shows Ruling Party Candidate Leads Presidential Contest
Voice of America
September 25, 2015 10:03 PM. A nationwide survey released this week in Tanzania showed John Magufuli, candidate of the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) party, leading the presidential race, with the leader of the main opposition party, former Prime ...



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